Saturday, February 25, 2006

Arabs at the Ports

Quote from President Bush

“Everything changed on 9/11.”

Really, then why are we going to allow a nation that supports terrorist activities to run 6 of our major ports? The funny thing about all of this is that the republicans are now crying about everyone being afraid. They created the fear in all Americans with there constant reminders that every country in the middle east is out to get us, and now that the money flow might be interrupted they are saying that everyone is overreacting. The biggest problem I have about this whole situation is it again appears that the administration was asleep at the wheel while this deal was being approved. The A.P. reported this:

President Bush, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and even Treasury Secretary John Snow, who oversees the government committee that approved the deal, all say they did not know about the purchase until after it was finalized. The work was done mostly by assistant secretaries.

And now instead of saying that we are going to go over the deal again, and make sure that no mistakes were made they are once again just saying “trust us”. Everyone in congress made the mistake of trusting this administration with choosing to go to war, and look at the position that we are in now because of that. Let us look at what one vote of confidence has cost us.

1. Over 25,000 American casualties (We’ve definitely been greeted with flowers. Unfortunately they are laying beside the road to cover up the bombs.)
2. Over 240 Billion of American tax payer dollars. (remember they told us it would not cost more than 2 million and the oil revenues would pay for the war)
3. A vote for war really meant that the President could spy on any and all Americans with out any court or congressional oversight.
4. This one vote cast really meant that one was not allowed to dissent or even question how the war was being handled, or you are a flip-flopping, terrorist sympathizing, anti-American, non-troop supporting, communist.
5. It has cost us our ability to defend ourselves from any other attacks because our troops are stretched way to thin.
6. There are many more and I will let you add to the list.

Even if we give the administration the fact that Americans will still be in charge of security with less than 5% of our cargo being inspected is it smart to put a country with known terrorist ties in charge of anything that has to do with our ports??????

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

for ahsirt

Here Ohshit.
You can label these women. It is much harder to find women who are regressive even though I do know a few. It is more likely that they are just stupid loyal because of their fundametalist upbringing and church brainwashing. As for the fire picture it is a picture of the cartoon violence in the Arab world.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Compassionate Conservative--HA!

People in power in Washington like to tout themselves as CONSERVATIVES. When Bush recommended Samuel Alito to be the next Supreme Court justice he chose not just a conservative but a REGRESSIVE-CONSERVATIVE. If you watched any of the Alito hearings you saw that the Democrats were trying to show his regressive nature. His touting being a member of the group Concerned Alumni of Princeton on an application for a job in the Reagan White House shows that he knew that this would impress the people in power then. Of course he claimed that he did not know why he put it on his resume or that the group wanted to stop women and minorities from being admitted into Princeton. The group’s goal was a regressive move to take Princeton back in time to when white men were the only ones getting a Princeton education.
What I am trying to show here is that in Washington today we do not just have conservatives running our country but a group of regressive-conservatives. These are the most dangerous type of people that could be running our country. They will stop at nothing to return things to the way they were in “The good old days.” I will now show you some pictures and you can label them with 2 of the definitions from the group below.

1. Conservative-Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change.

2. Regressive-Tending to return or revert.

3. Liberal- a. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.
b.Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.
4. Progressive-Moving forward; advancing.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The Bush Mantra

Please don't shoot Mr. Vice President.

Actually this is McClellan giving the explanation to everything this administration touches. Everything they do or try to do goes bad and this is their answer.

"I think you can always look back at these issues and look at how to do a better job."

and I might add, don't criticize us for what we have done. If you can not fix our mistakes with a bumper sticker solution then just sit there and shut up.

The only thing this administration does right is elections and that is because they are willing to stoop lower than anyone in the history of our country. Even to the point of voter fraud. The will of the people does not matter to this administration, only their will matters.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Casual Acquaintance of Administration

Abramoff was a $100,000 fundraiser for Bush and lobbying records obtained by the AP show his lobbying team logged nearly 200 meetings with the administration during its first 10 months in office on behalf of one of his clients, the Northern Mariana Islands. From the AP

Out of 300 days he logged 200 meetings with the administration. Is there any wonder that Bush and the administration could not put the pieces together about the attacks on the world trade centers? They were to f#@*ing busy meeting with Abramoff. Rove calls Abramoff a casual acquaintance. Yeah right like me and my brothers are casual acquaintances. If this thing is not blown wide open before June, you can bet that the Vice President must have a gun to somebody’s head.

Bush explaining pictures of Abramoff and him:

"I'm sure there are pictures of me with a lot of you."
when he is talking to White House press corps.
Yeah right Mr. President he is a journalist and his job is to be at the White House and interview you, when you are willing to talk to the press that is. Why don't you just go stand with a bunch of troops around you and tell everyone how you are a "WAR PRESIDENT"

Saturday, February 11, 2006

What do I save???

Today in the pharmacy a man brought me a prescription for a drug that said take 2 pills daily. I asked him if he took both pills at the same time and he replied yes. I said do you mind if I substitute the higher strength tablet, You would only be taking 1 pill a day and it would save the insurance company about $60 a month (I’m sure my employer would not really like me doing this since it cost them sales, but the hell with them that is not where my loyalties lie). Of course, his question is how much do I save? And I said nothing you will still pay the same $20 copay. His reply—“Whatever”

This is the problem with healthcare in America. No one realizes that by saving your Pharmacy Benefit manager money you will in turn be saving your employer money and if everyone was to do this there would be a less likely chance that your premiums and copays would go up the following year. The only way to get healthcare cost under control is if we all take an active roll in our healthcare. I just saved this mans company $720 a year and if I had my way I would have changed the drug and saved them $2300 a year and not changed the therapeutics one bit. Oh well, I am only 1 man in a sea of people who want the drug their doctor gave them because he is a god and I am only a pill counter. Here’s hoping New Mexico passes the therapeutic interchange law which will allow me to do what I was trained to do.

My latest letter to the editor:

Will my friends who get the Journal and the Daily Mail let me know if it is printed?

The investigation into the corrupt lobbyist Jack Abramoff has come home to our congressional district. Those of us who have followed Capito's campaigns know that she has strong ties to Abramoff’s pal Tom Delay and that it would just be a matter of time before her name was linked to the corruption scandal. It seems for now that she has sealed herself off from direct contact by blaming her chief of staff for using her name, but we in West Virginia know that when you lie down with the dogs you wake up with fleas. It is time the Eastern Panhandle woke up and cut her loose before she does too much damage to us real Americans by her continued promotion of corporate interest over our family values.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Question of the day?

Is the Republican machine falling apart?

Libby is blaming Boss Cheney for leaking covert CIA operative’s name

Brownie is threatening to tell all if the nincompoop does not come through with a defense for the Katrina debacle.

Bush is trying to drum up support for spying on Americans by saying that a south Asian country foiled an attack on the “Liberty Tower in Los Angles”. (It was really the Library Tower but we all know he has an aversion to knowledge and books so I guess it was an honest mistake)—Doesn’t he realize that if they can foil an attack on American soil what an idiot it makes him look like for not being able to do it?

Abramoff scandal continues

Bush’s buddy Ken Lay’s trial coming up

Delay continues to be in the news: His lawyer said that Delay plans to stick by his friend Abramoff because that is what friends do. Ok hopefully we can arrange for you to have the cell next to his.

All this going on and what is Fox News upset about, Democrats celebrating the life of a political and civil rights activist by talking about the current political situation.

I still think the press is asleep at the wheel, but there is just so much corruption that it is hard to stay focused on all the crimes. You could not even be clearing brush on the ranch and not hit a criminal with a tree limb.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

4 Presidents attend King Funeral

According to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, Washington, Lincoln, Clinton, and Bush attended the funeral for Coretta King. All of these Presidents except Clinton also performed wire-taps on Americans without a court order. This is the proof that electronic surveillance of American citizens with out a court order is legal, Washington did it in 1776. How stupid does this administration think we are? This was not Alberto Gonzales misspeaking. This was a scripted statement that he read before the Judiciary committee. The Republicans on the committee did not want our Attorney General under oath just incase he decided to mislead them and American people again.

What Bush really said!!!!

Let us go through the speech and see if I got anything right and also let’s look at what some of the speech would have looked like if Bush would have been allowed to write it.
My points will be in parenthesis and Bush’s version will be in brackets.

…Tonight we are comforted by the hope of a glad reunion with the husband who was taken so long ago, and we are grateful for the good life of Coretta Scott King. (Ding, Ding, Ding #5)

…In a system of two parties, two chambers and two elected branches, there will always be differences and debate. But even tough debates can be conducted in a civil tone. And our differences cannot be allowed to harden into anger.
To confront the great issues before us, we must act in a spirit of good will and respect for one another. And I will do my part. (Let’s just see if Bush calls people names.)And I will do my part.

…Tonight the state of our Union is strong,(Ding, Ding, Ding #1) and together we will make it stronger.

..We will choose to act confidently in pursuing the enemies of freedom or retreat from our duties in the hope of an easier life. (Your with me or against me)

..We will choose to build our prosperity by leading the world economy or shut ourselves off from trade and opportunity. (My way or the highway)

..In a complex and challenging time, the road of isolationism and protectionism (name calling) may seem broad and inviting, yet it ends in danger and decline.

…Abroad, our nation is committed to an historic, long-term goal: We seek the end of tyranny in [the rest of the world and the continued growth of it here] our world.

…On September the 11th, 2001, we found that problems originating in a failed and oppressive state 7,000 miles away could bring murder and destruction to our country.(Egypt and Saudi Arabia, but we invaded Iraq)

…Democracies replace resentment with hope, respect the rights of their citizens and their neighbors, and join the fight against terror. (The Palestinian election a great example of this respect for thy neighbor.)

…At the start of 2006, more than half the people of our world live in democratic nations. And we do not forget the other half -- in places like Syria and Burma, Zimbabwe, North Korea and Iran (Uh Oh, Axis of Evil has new members)

…And one of the main sources of reaction and opposition is radical Islam; the perversion by a few of a noble faith [even if you are all going to hell unless you accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior] into an ideology of terror and death.

…Terrorists like bin Laden are serious about mass murder and all of us must take their declared intentions seriously.(you know like Bin Laden wants to attack inside United States and Arabs taking flight classes but could care less about taking off and landing)

(I have figured out why Bush has not caught Osama and why Osama was allowed to escape out of Afghanistan. Bush and Osama need each other. Each individual’s ability to recruit is helped by the other. Every time Osama puts out a tape Bush’s poll numbers go up and every time Bush does anything the terrorist network grows by leaps and bounds.)

…Their aim is to seize power in Iraq and use it as a safe haven to launch attacks against America and the world. [but instead we have gained control of Iraq and Afghanistan and will continue to send up our unmanned bombers to blow up unsuspecting women and children in the name of the War on Terror.]

…Lacking the military strength to challenge us directly, the terrorists have chosen the weapon of fear.[just like we republicans did in the last election.]

…But they have miscalculated. We love our freedom, and we will fight to keep it.[Even if I have to eliminate American’s freedom and liberties to do so.]

…But our enemies and our friends can be certain: The United States will not retreat from the world, and we will never surrender [our oil] to evil.

…America rejects the false comfort of isolationism. We are the nation that saved liberty in Europe, and liberated death camps,[and started a few,] and helped raise up democracies and faced down an evil empire.

…We're on the offensive in Iraq, with a clear plan for victory.
First, we are helping Iraqis build an inclusive government, so that old resentments will be eased and the insurgency will be marginalized.
Second, we are continuing reconstruction efforts and helping the Iraqi government to fight corruption and build a modern economy, so all Iraqis can experience the benefits of freedom. [Our majority in Washington may be corrupt, but we will not allow Iraq to be corrupt.]
…Third, we are striking terrorist targets while we train Iraqi forces that are increasingly capable of defeating the enemy. (Dind, Ding, Ding #2)

…The road of victory [in Iraq] is the road that will [send our troops to Iran.] take our troops home.

As we make progress on the ground and Iraqi forces increasingly take the lead, we should be able to further decrease our troop levels. But those decisions will be made by our military commanders,[as long as they agree with me], not by politicians in Washington, D.C. [other than me]

…In the coming year, I will continue to reach out and seek your good advice. Yet there is a difference between responsible criticism that aims for success and defeatism (more name calling sounds like he is really willing to reach across the aisle) that refuses to acknowledge anything but failure.

…With so much in the balance, those of us in public office have a duty to speak with candor. [again as long as you do not disagree with me or my attack dogs in the press will tear you a new asshole you defeatist, unpatriotic bastards]

…Members of Congress, however we feel about the decisions and debates of the past, our nation has only one option: We must keep our word, defeat our enemies and stand behind the American military in its vital mission. (not by giving them the adequate numbers like other Generals have suggested or by giving them adequate armor or supplies, but just by giving them lip service and not asking the question when will the mission actually be accomplished.)

…Our men and women in uniform are making sacrifices[that I was unwilling to make]and showing a sense of duty stronger than all fear.

…We are grateful to all who volunteer to wear our nation's uniform.[and now we are looking outside our borders for people who want to defend America because we can not reach our recruitment goals any longer.]

…Raising up a democracy requires the rule of law, and protection of minorities,(like we did in the aftermath of Katrina…”you’re doing a heckuva job Brownie”) and strong, accountable institutions that last longer than a single vote.

…The Palestinian people have voted in elections. And now the leaders of Hamas must recognize Israel, disarm, reject terrorism and work for lasting peace. (or what)

…Saudi Arabia has taken the first steps of reform. Now it can offer its people a better future by pressing forward with those efforts. (watch Syriana it shows what happens to people who really want reform in the middle east)

…Isolationism would not only tie our hands in fighting enemies; it would keep us from helping our friends in desperate need. (Who the hell is for isolationism????? He keeps using this term. Is wanting to control our own borders an isolationist??? Is wanting a level playing field for American workers an isolationist??? Who is he talking about???)

(It is true)--It is said that prior to the attacks of September the 11th, our government failed to connect the dots of the conspiracy. We now know that two of the hijackers in the United States placed telephone calls to Al Qaida operatives overseas. But we did not know about their plans until it was too late.

…So to prevent another attack -- based on authority given to me by the Constitution and by statute -- I have authorized a terrorist surveillance program to aggressively pursue the international communications of suspected Al Qaida operatives and affiliates to and from America. (I am going to give myself a ding, ding, ding here #4 in my list and I want to know why we are not arresting them, charging them and convicting them or at least kicking them out of our country.)

…Previous presidents have used the same constitutional authority I have (all before 1978 when Congress, the law making body of government required Presidents to get warrants from a secret FISA court) and federal courts have approved the use of that authority. Appropriate members of Congress have been kept informed. (but were not allowed to comment, disagree, or tell anyone about it.)

…Our economy is healthy and vigorous, and growing faster than other major industrialized nations. In the last two-and-a-half years, America has created 4.6 million new (low paying) jobs (and eliminated 4.6 million higher paying jobs)
…So we're seeing some old temptations return. Protectionists (more name calling, but who is he talking about?) want to escape competition,(I think they probably just want fair competition) pretending that we can keep our high standard of living while walling off our economy.

…In the last five years, the tax relief you passed has left $880 billion in the hands of American [corporations and my wealthy friends] workers, investors, small businesses and families.

…Yet the tax relief is set to expire in the next few years.
I urge the Congress to act responsibly and make the tax cuts permanent.(Ding, Ding, Ding #3)

...Every year of my presidency, we've reduced the growth of nonsecurity discretionary spending. And last year you passed bills that cut this spending.
This year my budget will cut it again and reduce or eliminate more than 140 programs that are performing poorly or not fulfilling essential priorities. (like college education grants and healthcare for the poor)

…By passing these reforms, we will save the American taxpayer another $14 billion next year and stay on track to cut the deficit in half by 2009. [We will also only have 6 billion dollars in Iraq go unaccounted for down from 9 Billion in 2003 on track to cut it in half by 2010.]

…Congress did not act last year on my proposal to [scrap] save Social Security...

... yet the rising cost of entitlements is a problem that is not going away.

…And with every year we fail to act, the situation gets worse.(Bush and his Republican allies pushed through congress on of the most expensive and poorly run entitlement programs in history , Medicare Part-D, a program that was nothing but a give away to the drug manufacturers and Pharmacy Benefit Managers with nothing to control the cost or any way to pay for it.)

…So tonight I ask you to join me in creating a commission to examine the full impact of baby boom retirements on Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
This commission should include members of Congress of both parties (Lord knows Republicans can not solve this problem) and offer bipartisan solutions.

…With open markets and a level playing field, no one can out- produce or out-compete the American worker.[, but my corporate allies tell me the American worker is too expensive at $5.15 an hour.]

...Our government has a responsibility to help provide health care for the poor and the elderly, and we are meeting that responsibility.[by forcing people off the Medicaid rolls and sending them to free clinics. I hope a liberal starts one up in a community near you soon.]

…And because lawsuits are driving many (BAD) good doctors out of practice (and insurance companies are driving many GOOD doctors out of practice. Bush proposes to penalize the lawyers and reward the insurance companies with medical liability reform.)

BUSH: Keeping America competitive requires affordable energy. And here we have a serious problem: America is addicted to oil, which is often imported from unstable parts of the world.(which he made unstable)

(I am going to skip most of Mr. Bush’s INITIATIVES, since we all know that they are just pretty names with no substance.)

America is a great force for freedom and prosperity. Yet our greatness is not measured in power or luxuries, but by who we are and how we treat [our friends. So with the help of the Republican congress we have eliminated bankruptcy protection for real Americans and protected predator lenders, my contributors]one another. So we strive to be a compassionate, decent, hopeful society.

[We have kicked half the people off welfare and doubled corporate welfare.]…Welfare cases have dropped by more than half over the past decade.

BUSH: There are fewer abortions in America than at any point in the last three decades. (of course this has nothing to do with the availability of the morning after pill or all the education during the Clinton years)

…The Supreme Court now has two superb new members -- new members on its bench: Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Sam Alito.
BUSH: I thank the [Republican] Senate for confirming both of them.(Ding, Ding, Ding #6, and that completes my list) I will continue to nominate men and women who understand that judges must be servants of the [Christian Right and Corporate America .]law.

May God bless America. [and no place else.] (Bush stole this line from a Chris Rock movie)

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