Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Hey fat lady

Well it is time for the fat lady in the democratic primary. When is Hillary going to start singing for us?? The pundits say after Kentucky and Oregon which is fine as long as Hillary and Barack stop focusing on each other and start focusing on Johnny Mcmorewar. Hillary can stay in all the way to the convention as long as she spends her own money and attacks the real evil empire.

Hillary's arrogance cost her this election. She has no one to blame but herself. Her arrogance of inevitability and her unwillingness to take on Bush 4 years ago is what cost her her chance at the presidency. It would have been great for her to be the second Clinton to eliminate a Bush from the White house but she was unwilling to risk it at that time to take a chance. She had to secure her hawkish image and that is what cost her against Barack. Her desire to solidify her military credentials, continuing to support the war, and unwillingness to lead as a Senator instead of every vote being calculated. That is what I dislike about Hillary the most. She is a politicians politician. And she can stay in Washington and have a great career as a Senator.

Now get out there and sing you loser or just attack McCain.


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