Sunday, April 06, 2008


Over 4,000 dead
Over 20,000 wounded
Over 500 Billion tax payer dollars
Over $100 per barrel oil
No end in site
How do we stop this occupation for oil?
What can I do as a single American citizen?
Will voting be enough?

I am afraid that no matter who we vote for the "War in Iraq" will not end soon enough. The candidates have been painted into a corner and are worried they will be seen as weak on terror if they say we will not leave troops to fight the alleged Al-Qaeda in Iraq.

I have said this before, but I believe Iraq will spiral into a civil war after we leave unless we kill all the opposition to our puppet government. I believe Iraq needs to go through a civil war. I believe Iraqis must find out whether they want to be Iraqis first then Sunnis, Shiites, and Kurds, or do they want to be defined by their religious sects.

We have broken their country, but what is our obligation to a people that may not want to be a country? Is there an end to what we have to do to fix our mistake? Is there a number of American men and women that that must die to fulfill our debt?

We can talk about our responsibilities to the Iraqis, but I think that keeps us in the wrong frame. We need to get to the heart of this issue, and the heart of this is Oil and Arrogance.

The sad thing is that the Bush/Cheney arrogance has gotten them exactly what they wanted out of this war, high priced oil. The only thing they have not gotten yet is their friends hands on the Iraqi oil. The American people seem to be asleep to the fact that this is the entire goal. The Bush administration even went so far as to put it in the goals of the surge, but the press seems not to care.

I am at my wits end. What do we do? How do we stop this occupation and bring our troops home? Is Barack the answer to all these questions? I know McBush is not the answer. I'm very unsure of Hillary. I think she would have to keep us there longer than even she would want to just to prove she is a hard ass leader.

I give up for now. It is 1:14AM and I have to work tomorrow.


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