Saturday, November 03, 2007

WV Jokes

A couple of weeks ago my wife and I went out to see a friend's band play at a local watering hole. We met up with some other friends and there was a couple at the table we had never met before. You know the proverbial friend of a friend. Well, we did the introductions and no sooner than we had mentioned 3 of us were from WV and found out he was originally from Pennsylvania the West Virginia jokes started.

We all cordially laughed and of course knew all the punch lines even before he had finished the jokes. The band started playing and we all enjoyed the music and a few more hoppy beverages. In between our friends band playing and the headliner getting ready, he started again. After his 3rd WV joke I said I had one for him.

What is the difference between a West Virginian and an asshole????


The Mason-Dixon line.

I don't know if it went over the line or not, but the WV jokes amazingly stopped. I had to adapt the joke a little for Mr. PA because the joke was originally for MD people and the answer is the Potomac River.

If I embarrassed or upset the other friends we were with I am sorry, but Mr. PA needed to be shut down.


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