Monday, April 23, 2007

Am I my brothers keeper?

Last night as I was watching my nightly dose of Decision 2008 on C-Span, that tells you I do have problems, I finally got to see Barack Obama. He was speaking in front of Al Sharpton’s National Action Network. I have to admit the guy is a tremendous speaker and I was looking forward to hearing his plans for solving the huge problems facing America.

Unfortunately I did not get to hear any real substance but a lot of rhetoric. He did tell us that he is not the usual candidate that just talks about plans but he has done many of the things he was talking about. He made it sound like he single handedly found everyone on the south side of Chicago a job and also swept the barrios and ghettos. It was really impressive. My favorite part of his domestic policy was his asking the question “Am I my brother’s keeper?”

This quote is a Bible verse. God asked Cain where Able is, after Cain had murdered him, and Cain responds “I know not; am I my brothers keeper?” With that being said, most of us probably know this quote from the movie New Jack City starring Wesley Snipes as the drug lord Nino Brown. He used this line many times to rally his gang and to let them know that they were a team and they were to take care of each other. Of course he killed his best friend Gee Money and sold the rest of his crew out to save his own skin before being killed in the court house.

The question is can we trust a guy who quotes killers for his domestic policy and has no foreign policy experience at all? I don’t know the answer to that yet and I will hold judgment until I see a lot more from him. But it seems to me the current guy holding the White House spoke a lot about bringing the country together and restoring honor and integrity to the Oval office in 2000 and that has not worked out to well for us.


Blogger Axis of Evil said...

I know you're an Edwards man, but what foreign policy does Edwards have? Don't get me wrong, I'm evenly split right now between the two. However, I'm not sure how much substance either candidate can really expose through a stump speech. I like Obama's broad vision and you have to admit he's quite the orator. I like Edward's more narrow themes, especially his ideas about taxing wealth rather than income. But Edwards has yet to hit his stride as a national candidate who really reaches and moves the masses. He's doing well in Iowa on a one-to-one basis, but can he really connect to the mushy middle in the greater country who will ultimately select the next president?

10:55 AM  
Blogger ROMA said...

This whole rant was targeted at a certain Mr. Iwanski for attacking Edwards on his $400 haircuts. It was all bullshit. I think Barack is a good candidate.

I really do look forward to hearing more from him and was sad to hear the dumb ass pundits anoint Hillary last night and defame everyone else. Talk about seeing what you wanted to see.

I still think at this point that Edwards is the person for me. I don't really like that his Health care plan includes the insurance companies, but what are you going to do? I really like the fact that he is willing to say that we need to raise taxes. I wish a candidate would say that America today is soft and it is time we sacrificed so our children do not have to on most all issues. Debt reduction, global burning, health care, helping the poor you name it we need to sacrifice.

10:30 PM  
Blogger Iwanski said...



I think Edwards is a great candidate and would be a good President.

But the fact remains that a "populist" getting a $400 Beverly Hills haircut seems a little douche-y.

8:59 PM  

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