Saturday, April 21, 2007

Only 32 died???Big Deal??

I invite you to click the link and scroll the dates on the side of the screen and you will see what the poor Iraqi's must be thinking about our "Massacre at Virginia Tech."

I don't mean to be disrespectful about the tragedy, but our apathy is causing much greater tragedies all over the globe. When is America going to wake up and realize that our desire for cheap oil has caused 48 Va. Techs from a military stand point? We are averaging 1 Va. Tech per month in Iraq and America is too busy to stand up and say Harry Reid is right.

We have lost this war militarily because Bush has failed our service men and women diplomatically. If the Democrats are too stupid and unwilling to make this point then I hope any Democrat who does not stand up has an Antiwar challenger in the next election.

Iraq is a nation about 1/10th the size of ours population wise and they have between 50 and 200 friends and family members dieing everyday. That would be like 500 to 2000 Americans dieing everyday here on our home front due to the arrogance of another country's leader wanting our.....hmmmm......happy meals?

Call or write your representatives and ask them to bring our troops home. End the occupation of Iraq now before 1 more Va. Tech is allowed to occur.

Demand an investigation into how this war started and the real reasons behind it. You think 5 million lost emails in Gonzo-gate is a big deal. If congress starts investigating this you can bet entire buildings of information will have been misplaced or be under executive privilege.


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