Friday, January 05, 2007

Top ten things for 2007

10. Democrats stand up to the administration for the American people.

(This appears to be already happening, even if they can not truly stop him from his idiotic surge of American troops.)

9. See the Cubs win a game at Wrigley-(Iwanski, I will there in July) I’ll probably have to go to every game in the series to see them WIN.

8. Pat Robertson dies in his predicted 9/11 style attack for 2007. Now that’s irony.

7. American soldiers are home in significant numbers by Christmas. The ones that are still in Iraq are only there in a truly support role.

6. America is the biggest loser. I figure we as a nation could lose 3 billion pounds. (We could start with the 185 in the White House and make him President of Iraq.) 300,000,000 people times 10 lbs. = a healthier America.

5. Dick Cheney and the President go quail hunting together.

4. American journalist actually report what is happening in Washington, not just what they are told is the story by the administration but what is really happening.

3. Oil industry executives, sworn in before the House and Senate hearings. Oh and while we are at it let’s get Alberto Gonzales back, Donald Rumsfeld, John Negroponte, Paul Wolfowitz, Scooter Libby, Drug Manufacturers, Pharmacy Benefit Managers, and any other corrupt son of a bitch.

2. American corporations have to have their addresses here in America so they pay their fare share of taxes. Unions are given their strength back to protect the American worker, but realize that over protection of slackers (i.e.-my mail lady) weakens them.

1. Impeachment hearings are started not because it is the politically correct thing to do, but because it is the right thing to do.

There are many more that could be listed.

Abolishment of all signing statements by Supreme Court.
Adoption of the Kyoto protocol and America leading the world in renewable energy.
A real levy system built for New Orleans and the people’s houses rebuilt.
Universal healthcare for Americans.
Big Ben returns to his Super Bowl self and stops throwing interceptions.
Legislation is written by legislators instead of lobbyist with real Americans in mind not donors.
Not just pay as you go rule but a pay down the debt rule.
Iwanski is beside me with a huge Italian sausage and a half-gallon beer at the Cub’s game.


Blogger ahsirt said...

Excellent plans for 2007! I concur. As far as the "biggest loser" ~ I'm in a size 6 for the first time since I was a sophomore in high school. *Dancing around the room* :)

1:12 PM  
Blogger Iwanski said...


and I can't believe the media reports on pat Robeertson's if they in any way relevant.

4:39 PM  

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