Wednesday, October 18, 2006

We are on the wrong path!!!!

US October death toll in Iraq hits 70.

Bush said al-Qaida was very active in Iraq. "They are dangerous. They are lethal. They are trying to not only kill American troops, but they're trying to foment sectarian violence.
"They believe that if they can create enough chaos, the American people will grow sick and tired of the Iraqi effort and will cause government to withdraw," he said.
Bush said the news of casualties "breaks my heart" but said it is surrender "if you pull the troops out before the job is done."—AP

I’m sorry Mr. President but you do not get to define victory or defeat. You have been wrong about everything, and I mean everything when it comes to this war. You do not get to say anymore what a victory or a defeat is. You have made all your friends very rich at the expense of American lives and families. Your motives for going into Iraq were totally false and your new motives for the country are unachievable. You may want to wait until the Iraqi’s stand up but I say it is time for the Iraqi’s to stand up. We can no longer afford to stay the course of a failed strategy. We need new leadership and a new strategy for Iraq.

The new Iraq must be run by Iraqi’s not corporations. You want to turn Iraq into your corporate buddy’s utopia, like you have done with this country, but the Iraqis are not willing to adopt your American values. They no longer want American troops there and do not want permanent military bases in their country.

When asked what you have done wrong in Iraq you said I think I talked to tough. Well what the fuck do you think you are doing now with North Korea? Listen up pea brain, you have ignored North Korea for 6 years now and the only thing you have done is name them as part of your axis of evil. If I were one of the 3 countries in your axis of evil and you attacked one I would be doing everything possible to stop you from attacking me as well. I am in no way defending North Korea or Iran but what do you expect. This President and for that matter this Republican Congress have no idea what diplomacy is. They see diplomacy as a sign of weakness.

I have been watching a lot of the House and Senate debates on C-Span and every Republican uses the same word to describe a strategy that would involve diplomacy—WEAK. What is it going to take for them to realize that might no longer makes right? We have the best military in the world in Iraq, the best technology on the face of the planet, we have allegedly trained 300,000 Iraqis and we can not stop the escalation of violence.

For those of you influenced by campaign rhetoric you may believe that your only choice in Iraq is “cut and run” or “stay the course”, but you would be wrong. Your choice is “stay the course” or find out the whole truth so you can make up your own mind what we need to do in Iraq. The only way we are going to get to the bottom of the Bush’s Iraq occupation is to find out what led us to where we are. The only way to do this is to elect Democrats on Nov. 7th. I do not care what you think about your elected official. I do not care how much Pork has been sent your counties way. I do not care if you are Republican or Democrat. This quagmire is going to break this country financially and morally if we do not stop it.

Fiscal Responsibility

While watching a debate on Meet the Press between Senator Talent and Clair McCaskill, she brought up the fact that we have spent over 300 billion dollars in Iraq. He proceeded to counter that that is only 1% of our GDP. UMMM does that make sense to anyone in blogger land? Why not say it is only 3.3% of our National Debt, or that that is only $1000 for every man women and child in America, or that this is more important than education, and healthcare but not tax cuts for the wealthy.

We need to spend our tax dollars better. We need to spend them for the common good. We don’t need to spend them so Dick Cheney’s stock options are worth more and more. Republicans in Congress believe that if you give more money to the wealthiest Americans it will trickle down eventually, but I say give the money to the little man and watch him spend it to boost the economy. Republicans believe that if you are a working American you should pay on average 33% of your income in taxes but if your earn your money in the stock market while on vacation you should only pay 10% in taxes. There is a fundamental difference of opinion. Republicans believe in maintaining power and wealth and Democrats believe hard work should be rewarded. Republicans believe their wealthy donors should be rewarded with tax cuts and Democrats believe theirs should pay their fair share. Republicans believe a rising tide lifts all yachts, and Democrats believe it should lift all boats. Republicans believe that there is nothing wrong with CEO’s making 369 times what the average worker in his or her company makes. The Republicans in control of our country believe in theocracy and oligarchy and Democrats believe democracy, and a bottom up power structure. Republicans believe that they are accountable to their donors and Democrats believe they are accountable to the people.

Donate, Volunteer, or just tell your friends to vote Democratic.

It is time for a change. Do everything you can to get a democrat somewhere elected. You want to see what kind of shape this country is really in then elect a democrat to Congress. You will find out that the Republican economic recovery is a sham and that Iraq is in a civil war and that we can stop global warming and that following the Kyoto protocols will lead to job growth and economic prosperity. You will find that we do not have to give up our civil liberties and our founding fathers beliefs for Bush security. You will find that we do not have to torture and detain people to get good intelligence. You will find that America does not have to play world bully to get respect. You will find that when Democrats do not have the answer to a problem that they are willing to listen to experts, you know scientist, not corporations. You will find the national dialogue raised and America will be better for it.


Blogger Axis of Evil said...

Do you realize we have now had two full blown attempts at supply-side economics, and both have had identical results? Reagon began this Vodoo Economics (thanks GBI for the term) in 1980. The end result was the largest federal deficit and debt in the history of the country... Until now. At least Reaganities tried to excuse this deplorable outcome by blaming the ballooning debt on a Democtatic congress. W has no one to blame. His economic policies have done EXACTLY what all his critics, and all of the critics of supply side economics in general, have said. They have ballooned the deficit and debt while precious little has actually trickled down to the working class. GDP is up only because the rich are getting richer. Unemployment is down only because we no longer count those who have quit looking for truly meaningful and gainful employment. And it helps that we now consider Mickie D's to be a "manufacturing" job. The ultimate testament to how out of touch the GOP is was mainstream America is how shocked they are that average Americans don't think we're living in the Roaring 20's. They have deluded themselves into believeing that the "liberal" press has misled workingclass Americans. Try to wrap your head around this: network news (whose ratings are in the toilet by the way) have somehow managed to convince large numbers of prosperous and happy people that they are not prosperous nor happy. Amazing.

6:48 AM  
Blogger ROMA said...

Yes, I am aware that supply-side economics is a total failure, but they would claim their no rich taxes and spend policy is viable but both times we had to spend the money on defense to defeat the commies and now the terrorist. The problem with the cold war is that it ended. Now they have a war which will never have an end. This is the perfect scenario for them to continually use their scare tactics on the voters, and continue their corporate pandering.

7:32 PM  

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