Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Christian right says "100 more muslims dead, so what."

Insurgents(Civil War) again ratcheting up the violence, but I'm sure the media is just missing the good news again.

Iraqi Police Unit Linked to Militias

--An increasingly common insurgent tactic is to detonate one bomb to draw rescue workers and onlookers, then to explode a second device to cause more casualties.

One witness, who identified himself only by his first name, Hamdi, said a roadside bomb went off first and people started to gather, then the second blast went off. "Then more people gathered and they were searching for their dead or missing relatives when the car bomb exploded," he told AP Television News.

"Everybody knows this is a Christian neighborhood, they are neither Sunnis nor Shiites, so why are they doing this?"—AP

I guess the death squads and the Sunni insurgents have figured out that the best way to get the Americans to stop supporting this war is to start attacking Christians. They unfortunately are overestimating the value of an Iraqi Christian to the fundamentalist Christians that support the Republican Party and Bush’s occupation.

They also do not realize that there is currently a sex scandal going on here in America so no one is going to hear anything about Iraq for at least 2 weeks. Americans want to know how many young boys have been molested and how long has the cover up gone on. Republicans want to know how a gay man infiltrated their party and plan to use this as another chance to bash gays. Sex and gays will always push dead bodies overseas off the airwaves and the newspaper here in America.

The moral of the story is that if you want our boys out of your country all you have to do is accuse them of being gay. They will not only get kicked out of your country but kicked out of the military. This insight gives new meaning to the phrase, “Make love not war.”


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