Friday, August 11, 2006

Well it has been over a month since I have posted anything, life has been hectic. The absence had nothing to do with the fact that there was no news to comment on. It is not like the Republicans, corporate America or the Bush administration had decided to change their ways and actually care about real Americans.

I finally sold my house in West Virginia and now I have no house payments. So my wife and I decided before we left WV that when we sold our house we would get a new car. Can you guess what kind of car this left wing, Gore fan, nature loving, tree hugging, want-to-be environmentalist bought? You guessed it.

A Prius!!!

Can you say 50 miles to the gallon!!?!!

So here’s a big “screw you” to the oil companies, and “a you’re a bunch of idiots” to the American auto makers.

Our next big purchase will be solar panels for the house so I can tell the electric company to bite me and they can send me a check every month for the electricity that I will be creating for them.


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