Saturday, June 17, 2006

Democrats lose by participation


Until Democrats stop playing the Republican’s games they will continue to lose. When are the Democrats going to stand and deliver, is the question that is often asked. Democrats in Congress can not do anything. That is the answer. They do not control anything. However, if the Democrats in Congress refused to debate the silly, meaningless things that the Republican, corporate, right-wing, majority keeps putting up as issues then maybe their message could be heard.

Example: If during the “marriage protection” debate, the democrats all just got up and said, “This debate is a total waste of tax payer’s time and money, why are we not debating ____________.” Fill in the blank with any of one hundred more important things. America would hear that Democrats are tired of the partisan politics and are ready to actually solve real American’s problems.

So the question I have is not when are Democrats going to stand and deliver, but when are Democrats going to realize that Americans do want to hear their plan for a better tomorrow. What would Democrats be debating if they were in control? Would we be having hearings on gas prices, intelligence failures, the Katrina debacle, global burning, healthcare unavailability, job loses, Iraq occupation, no-bid contracts, war profiteering, border security, decreasing wages for Americans, corporate corruption of politics, deficit spending to boost the wealthy minority, tax fairness, voter fraud, spying on Americans, loss of checks and balances, usurping of Congressional power by the White House, over-burdened military, Haditha killings, torture of detainees, Darfur, Iran, North Korea, or China’s slow take over of America, etc., etc.?

It is time for Democrats inside the beltway to realize that America wants leadership not just an alternative to failed leadership. Newt Gingrich said all the Democrats need to do for the 2006 elections is say “Had enough?” I could not disagree more, while the “Had enough” plan may, and I repeat MAY, get us back in power of one of the houses, it will not establish us as party of ideas. America needs to know the Democrats care more about real American’s issues than Republicans, and that we are willing to let go of corporate America’s money and special interest money to get America’s business taken care of.

If the corporate media will not give us the time on their airways then go back to your districts and have community forum after community forum after community forum. Go to the people, and ask them to tell their friends, relatives, and neighbors what you are working on and what you would do if you were in power. Real American’s are just to busy trying to survive in the Republican’s version of America. We need to hear how things will be different in a Democratic America and we need to hear it over and over and over.


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