Tuesday, December 12, 2006

"A New Way Forward" for Iraq and America

Bush Iraq Update May Be After New Year
By TERENCE HUNT, AP White House Correspondent

"Slow and inadequate action is a problem that we have been facing with this government since it was formed," al-Hashemi said Monday in an interview with Baghdad TV, the mouthpiece of his Iraqi Islamic Party.

Was he talking about our Republican controlled congress and white house or the puppet regime that has at best a tenuous control of the green zone in Baghdad?

I don’t get it. Bush has had enough time to figure out what his own people think about Iraq. He is claiming to take into account all opinions, that is of course but the American peoples, and most of the opinions he has been getting is just cover so he can ignore the Iraq Study Group report.

1) The State Department-Bush appointees.
2) The Pentagon- Generals who know what will happen if they disagree, and would never admit a job can not be done.
3) Special White House assessment- Are you kidding me?
4) Civilian leadership at the Pentagon- Rummy and Gates get together
5) Semi-bipartisan Iraq Study Group report

Let’s see 4 out of 5 opinions are his and Cheney’s bitches and the fifth is basically Daddy’s and Democrats ideas which we know will be ignored, and now he wants to delay his decision on this until sometime after the New Year. It may already be too late to stop or even contain the civil war and around 5 American personnel and 100 Iraqis are dieing every day and he wants to think about it. This moron still thinks history will vindicate him and stay the course is the correct option. He think Americans are nothing but stupid sheep that do not deserve to be heard but instead should be manipulated with words.

I for one can not wait until the Democrats take control of the House and Senate so investigations can get started and the subpoenas can start to go out. I know politically we have been told that Americans do not want to go through an impeachment but if the shoe fits. If we can impeach someone for lying about getting a blow job in the oval office then impeachment for lying America into a war and continuing the lie for profits sake should be a viable option and we owe it to future generations to do what is right.

We owe it to future generations to not allow a President to trample on the Constitution without consequences. We owe it to every American soldier that has died because of this administrations cavalier attitude about post war Iraq. Our President and Vice President deserve to be impeached not only once but 2,932 times and counting. They deserve to be impeached for ignoring intelligence prior to 9/11. They deserve to be impeached for mortgaging our children’s future to give the wealthy tax breaks. Impeachment is going to have to be the final conclusion but will America stand up and demand it from our new congress. If they do not then congress will not.


Blogger Iwanski said...

They will not, and Congress will not.

We'll have let history impeach him. Best we can do, I'm afraid.

7:53 PM  

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