Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Britain pulling out, we're sending more in?

Blair to Announce Iraq Withdrawal Plan - NEWS - Comcast.net:

"Bush views Britain's troop cutbacks as 'a sign of success' in Iraq, said U.S. National Security Council spokesman Gordon Johndroe."

Does this mean that us sending in 21,000 combat troops(which means 40,000-50,000 total) is a sign of failure?

This is nothing more than a plan to try and gear up for war with Iran and to send more troops into the civil war that is Baghdad.

We already know that the Republicans in the Senate will not allow Congress to put any restraint on this president, so the American people have to stand up and protest. Be vigilant people. If there is a protest near you, attend it. If there is a stop the war movement close, join it. We have to stop this reckless administration before it is too late.

I'm afraid that it maybe too late to stop the upcoming war with Iran. The bombing plans are already draw up and carriers are on their way. If we protest after the bombs are dropped it will be too late. We will be accused of not supporting the troops. We all know that is the only line the Republicans have left. Anyone who watched the debate in the House about the nonbinding resolution heard it over and over from all the Bush supporters.

Just listen to the rhetoric
-We want peace with the people of Iran and want to support them, but they have an evil dictator trying to acquire a nuclear weapon.

-The Iranians are supplying the Shiites (the faction we are backing the most in Iraq) with weapons that are killing Americans.

The number one question that it seems no reporter is asking is--

Mr. President who is backing the Sunnis in Iraq? You know the Sunnis, the actual insurgents who will not support your puppet government. Could it be Saudi Arabia , the country from which most all the murders on 9/11 came?

I would like to hear Bush answer that question.


Blogger ahsirt said...

Hem Hem Hem...the "were" in your title should be "we're." :)

~Your Spell Checker

2:56 PM  
Blogger ROMA said...


7:29 PM  

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