Saturday, February 25, 2006

Arabs at the Ports

Quote from President Bush

“Everything changed on 9/11.”

Really, then why are we going to allow a nation that supports terrorist activities to run 6 of our major ports? The funny thing about all of this is that the republicans are now crying about everyone being afraid. They created the fear in all Americans with there constant reminders that every country in the middle east is out to get us, and now that the money flow might be interrupted they are saying that everyone is overreacting. The biggest problem I have about this whole situation is it again appears that the administration was asleep at the wheel while this deal was being approved. The A.P. reported this:

President Bush, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and even Treasury Secretary John Snow, who oversees the government committee that approved the deal, all say they did not know about the purchase until after it was finalized. The work was done mostly by assistant secretaries.

And now instead of saying that we are going to go over the deal again, and make sure that no mistakes were made they are once again just saying “trust us”. Everyone in congress made the mistake of trusting this administration with choosing to go to war, and look at the position that we are in now because of that. Let us look at what one vote of confidence has cost us.

1. Over 25,000 American casualties (We’ve definitely been greeted with flowers. Unfortunately they are laying beside the road to cover up the bombs.)
2. Over 240 Billion of American tax payer dollars. (remember they told us it would not cost more than 2 million and the oil revenues would pay for the war)
3. A vote for war really meant that the President could spy on any and all Americans with out any court or congressional oversight.
4. This one vote cast really meant that one was not allowed to dissent or even question how the war was being handled, or you are a flip-flopping, terrorist sympathizing, anti-American, non-troop supporting, communist.
5. It has cost us our ability to defend ourselves from any other attacks because our troops are stretched way to thin.
6. There are many more and I will let you add to the list.

Even if we give the administration the fact that Americans will still be in charge of security with less than 5% of our cargo being inspected is it smart to put a country with known terrorist ties in charge of anything that has to do with our ports??????


Blogger ROMA said...

That's how you push the fear button. See Condi, I learned from you.

2:25 PM  

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