Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The Bush Mantra

Please don't shoot Mr. Vice President.

Actually this is McClellan giving the explanation to everything this administration touches. Everything they do or try to do goes bad and this is their answer.

"I think you can always look back at these issues and look at how to do a better job."

and I might add, don't criticize us for what we have done. If you can not fix our mistakes with a bumper sticker solution then just sit there and shut up.

The only thing this administration does right is elections and that is because they are willing to stoop lower than anyone in the history of our country. Even to the point of voter fraud. The will of the people does not matter to this administration, only their will matters.


Blogger ahsirt said...

I love the White House cover up of this incident. The man was shot at least 24 hours before it was leaked to the press...by the ranch owner! Didn't Cheney think it was his responsibility to tell the nation he SHOT a man? I also love the downplaying of the severity of the situation. The man was shot in the face, neck, and torso. He was in the intensive care unit. Being someone who just finished working in the ICU/CCU for 12 weeks, I can tell you, general admits do NOT go into the ICU. So obviously, this man's condition was slightly graver than what the White House would like you to believe.

Finally, does anyone else find the story of the shotting slightly odd? I mean, the man walked up BEHIND Cheney and Cheney swung around and shot him. It's not like he sauntered in front of the gun. And hell, they were shooting quail. I've seen the guy's picture, he's larger than any quail I've ever seen. Best part - Cheney didn't have the required stamp on his hunting license. Do they make a "human hunting" stamp in Texas? Just a thought...

10:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When are you whiney Democrats going to get over the fact that you lost the election...twice. And Bush wasn't the only president to win an election without winning the popular vote. That is how our election process works, like it or not. So just get over it.

6:33 PM  
Blogger ROMA said...

Fine Bush was elected by the Supreme Court once and by electronic voting machines with no paper trail the second time. It is kind of funny that this country's elections could not pass the standards that we put upon other countries. I defy you to say that you really think Bush has done a good job since he has been in office. Unless you are a CEO running a huge corporation you are worse off today than you were 5 years ago. You may not think you are, but until we get someone in office who has to actually pay the bills that the republicans are racking up you do not know how bad off we really are.

8:50 PM  
Blogger Axis of Evil said...

For point of history, John Qunicy Adams won the electoral college in 1824 despite losing the popular vote. He was soundly defeated 4 years later by Andrew Jackson after a failed presidency. Rutherford B. Hayes won the ellectoral college over Samuel Tilden in 1876 despite losing the popular vote and still unrefuted charges of voter fraud. He, too, was soundly defeated 4 years later after a failed presidency. Aparently, their only mistake was not starting a war and scaring the Amercian public at every opportunity. The illustriuos W, the "War Presdient," won reelection by the smallest margain of victory for a sitting president in the modern era. Not exactly a vote of confidence. And every conservative everywhere should be basking in W's accomplishments: the largest federal debt in American history, the largest single year deficit in American history, 3,000+ dead civilains in this country, 2,200+ dead service personnel in Iraq, 10,000+ wounded service personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan, and Osama bin Laden still running free and threatening the US. Thanks, George...

7:10 AM  

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