Monday, January 23, 2006

American Surveillance Program

"Terrorist Surveillance Program"

And there we have it, the catchy phrase for spying on Americans. I can guarantee that you will not hear a Republican or anyone on Fox news refer to Mr. Bush’s illegal wire taps as domestic spying again. The only thing you will hear is "terrorist surveillance program". It is taking the right wing longer and longer to come up with their frames. Who in their right mind would be against terrorist surveillance??? After all if Bush had been doing his job before 9/11 instead of vacationing every other week at the ranch, clearing all that brush, then maybe 9/11 would have never happened. I hope that the Democrats and all the middle of the road news organizations reject this new name. We need to continue to call a spade a spade. If we fall prey to using the right wing’s frames again we deserved to be spied on. We should just allow “big brother” to put a camera in every room of our houses to monitor us. After all if a terrorist comes to our house for dinner then George deserves to know what we were talking about.


Blogger ROMA said...

I just noticed that Mr. Bush is wearing a purple tie, does that mean he is wavering in his gay bashing. Remember when the right wing wanted the teletubbies taken off the air because they thought the purple one was gay.

10:53 PM  
Blogger ahsirt said...

As I read the title of the domestic spying program, I flashed back to a room in the library at Shepherd College where I attended my first (and last...but that's another story) with fellow political activists. The Republican Right does a wonderful job of "framing" words to fit their needs. You're exactly right - Terrorist Surveillance Program...sounds proactive. Sounds safe. Sounds like a bunch of shit to me - but to the average non-political American it sounds like a great idea. To quote Shakespeare - A rose by any other name is still a rose. The connotation changes, but the definition is still the same. Americans cannot lose sight of what this progrom really is - DOMESTIC SPYING. Unfortunately, Bush's Supreme Court nominee shares his sentiments. We put him on the bench and say goodbye to balance of power in government. The Executive Branch will be a bullet train while the Legislative and Judicial Branches will be steam engines.

4:47 PM  
Blogger Axis of Evil said...

And you thought the Dems were the kings of political correctness. If spying on American citizens without a warrant is the Terrorist Surveilance Program, then I guess shipping detainees to brutal regimes for torture is actually the Terrorist Relocation and Punishment Program. And Operation Iraqi Freedom (its own bullshit phrase) can be renamed the Operation Punish the Terrorists who Attacked Us on 9/11. The RNC can change its name to the Anti-Terrorism Pro-American National Committee. Or as I like to call them, Nazis. Lets face it, nothing would make Hitler smile wider than watching the US government frighten its citizens (with a combination of distortion of reality, propoganda, and outright lies) into relinquishing their liberites. Throw in an agressive military policy of pre-emption and a demonization of all those who question and you have Germany 1933-1939. Take away the Hollocaust and there honestly isn't that much difference. I saw Barrack Obama (whom I greatly respect) say he didn't think Nazi references were fair. But if the shoe fits...

6:06 PM  
Blogger ahsirt said...

Speaking of your Nazi reference...the CIA has hidden camps for suspected terrorists across Europe. The last time someone hid camps across Europe, it was Hitler. Sounds like the shoe fits.

6:56 PM  

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