Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year, hopefully!!!?!

2006 is here. I guess I should have some resolutions. Although since most resolutions are never kept maybe I should give them a different name, ummmm, ummmmm, I think I will just say that I will continue to expose the falsehoods portrayed by the right-wing media (Fox News), the Bush administration and the those of the sleaze that is now in control of the Republican smear machine. I will talk about the corporate corruption that the Republicans are for and how they are destroying the middle class, and exploiting the poor in this country and around the world. I plan to continue to expose how the White House continues to attack anyone who opposes their views instead of just having an open debate. I think with this corrupt Republican congress and White House that should keep me busy for at least 3 more years.

Let’s start with some predictions.

The American people will almost wake up and oust the party in Power in Congress. It is a well known fact that American voters 99% of the time send back the incumbents. Everyone thinks Congress is doing a horrible job but their congressman is delivering the pork. The question is always how can we get rid of him or her, he/she has just gotten to a position of influence? And if you think the Republican smear machine is going to just roll over and take it in the elections ahead you have got to be kidding. Until the public rejects their agenda of “smears, fears, and queers” as Al Franken puts it, the Republican attack machine will continue to hit those buttons.
(I highly recommend Al’s book, The Truth.)

The Bush machine will continue to dismantle the only people who can put any check on the White House. No, I am not talking about the Democrats although they will continue to dismantle them as well. I am speaking about our press corps. It seems this started when Bush bought off columnist to put out Bush propaganda as their own thoughts. No one was punished for this breach of ethics. But things are about to get much worse with this new leak investigation that the Bush administration says they did not ask for, yeah right! The first leak investigation was legit. We needed to know who outed a covert CIA operative for political gain. This was despicable and illegal. Of course Bush flip-flopped on his pledge to kick anyone involved out of his administration until he realized it was his and Cheney’s right hand goons, Libby and Rove. This new leak investigation is a witch hunt and an attempt to squash any dissention or morals from invading the Bush administration. The person who leaked Bush’s illegal spying on Americans is a hero. Someone who knew Bush had crossed the line into an impeachable offense. Illegal behavior exposed, and what is the Bush response, attack the attacker. Do not try and justify why he did not follow procedures of going to the secret court for warrants, just keep ranting about terrorist and emboldening the enemy and keep yelling BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFRAID, I AND MY POLICIES ARE THE ONLY ONES THAT CAN PROTECT YOU. The answer is not to keep eliminating our civil liberties in the name of the war on terror; the answer is to keep promoting our civil liberties in the face of terrorist. If we want to show the terrorist they can not shake our way of life, what better way than to keep living with all our freedoms granted us by the Constitution.

I am just getting started on this topic but will continue it at a later time....more predictions to come…..


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