Friday, December 23, 2005

Who me Spy on Americans?

"All I have to say about the accusations about me spying on Americans is that I only spy on the bad ones. I can not reveal who or how many Americans we have spied on without a court order but you can be sure that the Bushie would never spy on anyone that voted for him. He, he, he" "If I did spy on you then you deserved it because you said something that was unpatriotic. Like errrrr 'I supported Kerry in the last elelction.' that would mean that you are a Communist and you need spying on." Or maybe you got one of dem bumper stickers that says 'We need to defoliate the Bush's' You would need to be spied on because you were planning on using some kind of chemical weapons." "All anyone needs to know is that Daddy Bush is watchin."


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