Saturday, October 01, 2005

Bush a Dreamer (Is he drinking again?)

President Bush sought on Saturday to dispel concerns about the readiness of U.S.-trained Iraqi security forces, declaring himself “encouraged” even though his top generals say the number of battalions that can fight insurgents without help has dropped.
“I’m encouraged by the increasing size and capabilities of the Iraqi security forces…and our commanders report that Iraqi forces are serving increasing effectiveness.”
During congressional testimony on Thursday, Gen. George Casey, top U.S. commander in Iraq, and Gen. John Abizaid, top U.S. commander in the Middle East said the number of battalions has dropped from 3 to 1 since July. -- Washington (Reuters)

If I am reading this info correctly and I am, then our President is once again trying to pull a snow job on the American public. He is once again throwing around empty rhetoric and meaningless jargon. This is what Bush and the Republicans have to offer the middle and lower class. They can not offer jobs because they and their corporate allies are selling out the middle class for profits and cheap over seas labor. They can not offer healthcare because they are in bed with the insurance industry and drug manufacturers. They can not offer energy independence (or clean air or water) because they are in bed with the oil and coal industry. What can our government under the control of Republicans offer us?
-bigger less effective government
-a dept. of homeland security that has yet to secure our ports, chemical plants, airlines, or borders
-gasoline at record highs and no solution
-7.9 trillion dollars worth of debt (~$27,000 per man, woman and child) and growing
-troops spread so thin we could not fight another campaign if we had to
-over 1900 dead American boys and girls—why because Bush wanted to take out his daddy’s enemy and wanted to help the oil industry
-Osama Bin Laden still running free
-government unable to care for and protect the most vulnerable after a natural disaster

You can not believe anything that our President utters. He is all about photo ops and jargon. He is about defending the rights of corporations over real Americans.
He is about profits for corporate donors.
I guess we are seeing what the Republican leadership in congress has to offer.
-Leader of the Senate, Bill Frist, being investigated for insider trading
-House Majority Leader, Tom Delay, indicted for campaign finance violations
-Our Representative Shelley Moore Capito has taken over $35,000 of dirty money from Delay and refused to return it
If you think she is interested in the truth about anything, I’m sorry to tell you, but her votes are bought and paid for already.

2006 is not far away. Let’s just hope that the Democrats can speak to the American people and that the American people can get past the Republican spin machines jargon and attacks.


Blogger ahsirt said...

My God! ROMA'S got links!!! :)

7:50 PM  
Blogger ROMA said...

yeah but one goes to a former coworker who was a total pain in the arse and the other is to someone who has lost his zest for the Democratic Party and who I think is starting to drink the Republican Kool-Aid.

8:03 PM  
Blogger Axis of Evil said...

I have not lost my zest for the Democratic Party - I actually support them now more than ever as the last bastion of defense against the religious right. I have lost my zest (as a result of time constraint) for the blogging forum. I think the party is actually starting to rebound. They handled Roberts well, in my opinion, and I consider the most recent candidate for the court as a victory. If you think I'm wrong, check what Conservative columnists think about her. So, no Kool-Aid for me. But I could use some caffiene and an extra Tuesday every week...

11:35 PM  
Blogger ROMA said...

Amen brother, I knew you had not lost your zest, I was just trying to draw you out. I have to hear what you are thinking every now and then. I am not so sure that the nomination is any kind of great victory, but at least she will not be there for 3 to 4 decades like Roberts. I am happy that Bush is taking heat for the pick, but I am sure she is very conservative even if she is another crony.

8:52 PM  
Blogger Axis of Evil said...

The fact that Conservatives are griping at all tells me she is an O'Connor clone. If so, then I see this whole process as no harm, no foul. Yes, Roberts will be there for some time, but the basic tilt of the court will be virtually unchanged after 2 Bush nominations. Not bad for an opposition that has lost the last 2 presidential elections. A victory in the 2006 midterms could seal the deal. To me, its the best possible outcome we could have hoped for given the situation.

9:19 PM  
Blogger ahsirt said...

I was not a pain in the arse...and you know it. You will miss working with me - all our political discussions and jokes. :) And I know I'm going to miss working with you...which was the final nail in the coffin for Martin's. Remember the summer you hired were thinking of going to Weis and I told you - If you leave, I'm leaving too. I was pretty pissed with Martin's about the entire insurance game and then there were some issues with a technician who was pissing me off about my hours (I'll give you 2 guesses and the first one doesn't count). Your departure sealed the deal. I knew it was time to close that chapter and move on. Perhaps this isn't the best place to thank you for what you did for me - but I don't know when I'll see you again. So here goes...

RC - Thank you for EVERYTHING you did for me at Martin's. Your guidance allowed me to grow from a student to a pharmacist. Your continual confidence in my abilities strengthened my confidence (which is no small feat - as you know). The preceptor at every rotation I have been on has complimented me on my grasp of pharmacy and my dedication to my work. I know in my heart that I would not be where I am if you wouldn't have provided me with that guidance. I know you never got to tell me your "you belong in community pharmacy" speech. There are a lot of things about retail that I don't like...but the one thing I did like was helping those in need. I'm not brushing off community pharmacy totally - and I swear to you that I will always be an advocate for community pharmacy. My experiences at Martin's will stay with me the rest of my life. So before I get long-winded (too late for that, right?), I just want to say - Thank you; Good luck; and I'm sure going to miss you. :(

5:11 PM  

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