Gold Star Mom
Hurray for Cindy Sheehan, she has accomplished what no American patriot has been able to do so far. She has put this absurd war front and center.
We have struggled through Schiavo, the Alabama teen, the filibuster/ nuclear fiasco, 60 days of promoting an idiotic Wall Street Welfare Scheme,the runaway bride and now this grieving mother has finally put the focus back on the war where it belongs. Last time he took 5 weeks off over 3,000 Americans died. I guess he feels he is doing much better this time since only about 38 military personnel have died so far. Of course if we counted the innocent Iraqi’s I’m sure the number would be well over 3,000 again by the time the vacation is over.
I’m really tired of hearing the argument that George is obviously doing the right thing since we have not had another terrorist attack. Do the Republicans really believe that the terrorist have any sort of time table? We will be hit again on US soil, meanwhile our military is being used as a big target daily in Iraq.
I say congratulations to Cindy Sheehan for putting the most pressing issue back front and center. I hope that when you get to talk to W. that after he gives his idiotic reasons for your son’s death that you just slap him. Then go looking for Rummy, Condi, Dickie, Wolfy, and any other idiot that wanted this war and slap them.
Interesting fact—Since our military can not meet its recruitment goals we are now offering US citizenship to illegal immigrants if they go fight Bush’s war. Now that’s a sound immigration policy. Just round up all the illegals and send them to Iraq. Maybe we should go put up our Uncle Sam wants you posters at all the borders. If we just ship the next 1,000 immigrants trying to sneak across the border to Iraq, they will stop coming.
(Just for clarifications sake, I do not have an opinion either way regarding illegals)
I have added a graph comparing Deaths in Vietnam VS Iraq. Just something to ponder.
If the arguement is that since we've not been attacked Bush must being doing something right. Then the next logical argument is that when we are attacked it will be all his fault. And by this same logic, apparently Tony Blair is to blame for the recent attacks in London. Of course, since this war began and we've been "fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them here," there have been numerous attacks in non-Muslim countries. So they are obviously not too busy to find time to fight in other countries. After witnessing Madrid and London (both while they were too busy in Iraq), what must be in store for us. Its a shame we didn't fight the real war in Afghanistan to its conclusion. Then maybe, just maybe, we could have done some real damage to terrorist organizations, rather than destablizing the region and creating one more haven for them to practice in.
Oooo ROMA has learned to post pictures! Now if Axis and I could just get a damn link on this page!!! Just think of all the free hits you've been sucking off Axis and me! :-p
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