Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Why we need a timetable for withdrawal of troops

This was a letter sent to our local paper a week ago that I guess they have chosen not to run. I will share it with you here.

Our President last Tuesday night tried and failed to lay out our strategy for his war in Iraq. Mr. Bush fails to see why patriotic Americans disagree with his perspective. His gross mismanagement of this war has left our military men and women in harms way and America less safe.
Our President stated that setting a timetable for withdrawal would send a wrong message to Iraqis, our troops, and the insurgency. Is it the wrong message to say that we do not have long term interest in occupying Iraq? Is it the wrong message to tell our troops that we know how long it takes to train an Iraqi and we will have them trained by a certain date? Is it wrong to tell the Iraqi people that foreign fighters will stop flowing into their country to blow up Americans because we will be gone? Is it wrong to tell the Sunni insurgents that we want them to have a part in running their country?
What not setting a time table says to Iraqis is that we still do not have a plan. What it says to our troops is after 2 years of training Iraqis we still do not know what we are doing. What is says to foreign fighters is we will be there as targets for the long term. The Bush administration continues to grossly mismanage this war due to their stubbornness. Yes Mr. President we know where you stand and it is no longer with patriotic Americans.


Blogger Axis of Evil said...

I honestly believe that our strategy in Iraq has degraded into utlizing our troops as bait for terrorists. The official argument is that we are "fighting terrorists over there so we don't have to fight them at home." Of course, the reality is that terrorits are much more adpet at fighting on multiple fronts than a conventional military force. Apparently we weren't keeping them busy enough in Iraq to prevent them from attacking the UK this morning. I don't know what sickens me more, that a government would use its own young men and women as bait or that a policy this idiotic could come to fruition. There is not a finite number of terrorists in the world. Whether our presence in Iraq is recruiting more terrorists than would otherwise join the cause is open for debate. However, what is not up for debate is the fact that we will never be able to kill enough terrorists in Iraq to prevent terrorism anywhere else in the world. This myopic vision is not a strategy for success, its a recipe for failure.

7:15 AM  
Blogger Carnacki said...

ROMA, you should also post t his on the grassroots blog.

11:49 PM  

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