Saturday, May 21, 2005

Secret Service Smart People

The French need to be thanking the Secret Service. Yeah that’s right I said the French. I heard today that the reason the Secret Service did not inform the President of the United States about the impending danger to his wife and the White House, from the little Cessna that flew off course, is that the pilots of the plane both dated French women in college. So it stands to reason that if the President had known all the facts that France would be occupied by American troops today. After all they don’t like freedom in France or they would eat freedom fries instead of French fries. They also do not read the Bible and God did not select their leader. It would have been great to see an American Flag on top of the Eiffel tower, but I guess we will have to wait until the next time some elitist, intellectual, socialist pig does not know where he is going until we start to take over Europe.


Blogger Axis of Evil said...

Isn't it interseting how the French are never supposed to forget how we "saved their ass" in WWII. Yet we seem to forget that if it weren't for French money, weapons, and military expertise, we would most likely still be under the British Crown. I'm no fan of the French myself, but they are certainly no worse than the Neocons in this country.

7:30 PM  

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