Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Black and White no longer makes Gray

Why does the world and everyone in it have to be black and white? Why can we not see that there is more than one side to every issue and actually have a debate about the issues? Is it Republican or Democrat? Is it conservative or liberal? Is it Christian or Agnostic? Is it Muslim or Jewish? Is it Rich or Poor? Is it black or is it white? That is what politics and the voices of the media have come to and this is why we can not discuss what is really happening to this world.
What is the answer? Do we kick out the loudest voices (which are normally the minorities) and go from there? How do we get the middle ground to take a stand and say I am not going to put up with the dirty politics any longer? How do we get America back on track? How do we take back our country and our voices?
I am not going to provide any answer tonight. I just want everyone to ponder the questions. I have had to work the last 8 out of 9 days and am to tired to provide the answers.

Please help me.


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