Thursday, April 07, 2005

Condi, you so crazy!

I love how the White House and all of Bush’s yes men and women have responded to the Weapons of Mass destruction report. This the report that the White House purposely stalled until after the election, the report that was not allowed to criticize how the White House used the “Dead Wrong” information. Condi Rice says that just because the information was wrong and just because we do not have good intelligence on weapons of mass destruction that Iran or North Korea may or may not have, we can not “UNDER REACT”. I guess we are to continue the policy of preemptive war, the policy that terrorizes other countries women and children, the policy that allows us to torture and kill detainees.
As long as America supports state sponsored terrorism in Israel we will never beat terrorism. It is amazing that the world can not even agree on the definition of terrorism. What is terrorism? As long as we are occupiers there will be freedom fighters against us. I am in no way saying that the events of Sept. 11th were not terrorism, but I am saying by claiming that it was an act of war, we will never win. If we were willing to claim the act was criminal the rest of the world was with us. Then we would have had a police force mentality instead of a war mentality. No one wins in a war.
This administration just does not get it. There are other options than to continue to fight fire with fire. There are other options than bombing someone who bombs you. Violence begets violence! Why must we continue our “Biggest Bully” mentality??????


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