Wednesday, March 30, 2005

United States of Avaritia

All hail George W.!! That is what America is coming to. We are becoming the Rome of today. We can not continue to force our beliefs and views onto the world and pretend that we are good and the rest of the world is evil that we are the enlightened and the rest of the world is backward. George is quick to point out that “They” hate us for our freedom, but never wants to look at the fact that “they” might hate us for our policy. As our foreign policy continually grows toward unilateralism and hegemony and as George morphs the lines of Christian beliefs and American patriotism “their” hatred will continue to grow. We will never be able to defeat intolerance and hatred with our own intolerance, hatred, and violence. If we can not see that this is a cycle which we can not break with a bigger bomb or a missile defense system then our children and grandchildren will never be safe. As long as America is dominated by greed and corporate corruption and our elected officials are indebted to them we will not be safe. We will continue to be hated as long as our foreign policy decisions are based on our corporate interest instead of social justice.
Our current status in the world as the only “super power” left should make us accountable to a higher standard of morality. We should be trying to affect change without using our military and we should be affecting this change everywhere not just where there is oil. The current poverty situation in the world and America for that matter is unacceptable. We are the richest nation in the world but unfortunately all the wealth is becoming more and more concentrated along with the power. We are becoming the United States of Avaritia instead of the United States of America.

This was a recent Letter to the editor that I sent to a local paper. I wanted to make sure the world could read it.


Blogger ahsirt said...

When 9/11 happened, W was quick to throw around that phrase - "they hate us for our freedom." No, Dubya, they hate us for our foreign policies! Case in point - our alignment with Israel over the Gaza Strip. That land rightfully belonged to the Palestinians. The US backed Israel and in claiming that land for the Jewish people. The US has consistently punished Islamic nations. The only Islamic nation we have ties with is Saudi Arabia - and it's probably the worst of the lot! Their policies towards woman are the harshest in the Middle East. Their royal family is swimming in oil while their citizens are swimming in poverty. And let's take a look at who the royal family is in Saudi Arabia - the Bin Laden's. may have heard of them before - perhaps the name Osama Bin Laden rings a bell? Yea - they're family; and they're also in bed with Haliburton. How convenient for the White House...

10:13 PM  

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