Monday, April 04, 2005

No film of little Jimmy's birth-Damn Lawyers

Doctors are deciding to no longer allowing filming of child birth. They say they do not want the footage to become exhibit #1 in a malpractice case. What a bunch of malarkey! Hospital surgeries are routinely filmed. West Virginia urologist no longer perform vasectomies in the office, they make you go to the hospital so it can be taped.
This is nothing but a continuous barrage of misinformation by doctors to try and get the public to support them in lobbying state representatives to take away individuals rights to legal recourse in cases of malpractice. The doctors are being manipulated by insurance companies and they are in turn manipulating us.
Insurance premiums have gone up across the board ever since the tech bubble burst in the NASDAQ. It is not the doctors’, the consumers’, or the lawyers’ fault that the insurance companies lost so much money in the stock market fall. It should also not be our job to build their surpluses back. Now we are being lied to as to why all premiums are rising at out of control cost. Everyone is blaming the legal system for the increase in premiums but they are just the scapegoat.
I am not a lawyer and as a person who has been sued by a frivolous lawsuit, I am the first to say reform does need to be made. But, to just cap damages across the board, to take away third party bad faith lawsuits, and to even think about believing the insurance industry is a big mistake. It only helps in the promotion of continued, unchecked corporate greed of which our Republican leaders are so in favor.
If West Virginia wants to lower the malpractice claims against doctors then get rid of the bad doctors. 3.5 % of West Virginia doctors are responsible for 36.5% of malpractice payments. These 3.5% have each had 3 or more claims against them. Of doctor who have had 10 or more malpractice payments only 1 out of 7 have been disciplined. Maybe it is time to break the white coat code and discipline and get rid of the bad doctors. They cost us much more than an increase in malpractice claims, their bad medicine also cost people lives and increased health care cost.


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