Thursday, April 28, 2005

Republican Priorities

Well we once again only have to look at the budget compromise between the House and Senate Republicans to see that they no longer care about the average American and only care about their wealthy friends.

Poorest Americans---Cut 35 Billion out of Medicaid funding
Richest Americans---Get 106 Billion dollars worth of tax cuts

The Republicans have no problem passing debt on to the next generation as long as their wealthy friends are taken care of now. Bush has dumped huge amounts of money into the large corporations coffer to try and show that the economy is growing but at a cost of killing the economy in the future. What happens when all the debts come due? We are headed for a crash and the Republicans are hoping that they are not in power when it happens. Americans can no longer afford to play partisan politics. The stakes are just too high.

The only thing that Mr. Bush said tonight that I fully agree with is that Americans want their elected officials to solve problems not pass them on to the next generation. Solving problems only gets harder with time. Now if our elected officials went to Washington to solve problems instead of protect their jobs life would be good. Partisan politics would be limited and America might actually be put first in line.

My biggest problem with the Bush plan for Social Security is that he has yet to put forth a plan. He and the Republicans constantly criticize the Democrats for not offering up a plan but he has not put an actual plan forward yet. He has run all over this country (wasting tax payer money) campaigning in front of hand picked audiences about Social Security without having a real plan to fix the solvency issue.

I wish I could talk about my Congresswoman, the Honorable Shelley Moore Capito, but all I can say about her is when forced to a vote she sides with the Republicans. If she is not forced to vote then she answers she is looking into the issue. I have written her many times and have asked her where she stands on multiple issues and have never gotten a definitive answer. I just do not see this as a leadership quality that I want in an elected official. I hope she decides to run for Senate against Robert C. Byrd because then we will be rid of her.


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