Saturday, April 23, 2005

W does not lie!!!

Condi, Colin, George, Dick, Karl, Paul, Rummy lie to the American people to make them selves look good? No Way! And do it before the election to make the number of terrorist attacks around the world look smaller than they are, you have got to be kidding.

If the American people still believe that they can trust anything coming out of this administrations mouth they have their heads in the sand. Let me count the ways they love us.

1. Iraq and Al Qaeda are linked
2. Saddam has weapons of mass destruction
3. George knows nothing about Jeff Gannon and Talon News
4. Medicare prescription drug bill will cost 400 Billion.
5. Bush Administration does not produce propaganda.
6. Bush administration does not pay columnist.
7. Global Warming is rubbish.
8. Drilling in ANWR will lower gas prices and relieve our dependence on foreign oil.
9. John Kerry will take your guns.
10. and my favorite----“They hate us for our freedom.”

The good news about the last one is the Bush administration is doing everything it can to erode away the freedoms we have so the terrorist will not hate us. Thank God, for George W. If God did not choose him to be our President in 2000, where would we be today?


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