Friday, June 24, 2005

Really Dick(head)

Well according to out esteemed Vice President “the insurgency is in its last throes.” I guess we will add this to the list of lies coming out of the White House these days. The biggest problem with this statement is that the media is not going to get it out to the American people and expose the White House for the liars they are. Why?

1. The media is afraid of this administration.
2. The real Americans that are living pay check to pay check do not have time to keep up with what is happening.
3. The poor and vulnerable in America feel that their plight is not being cared for by either party.

I guess the family members of our esteemed military personnel who lost loved ones in a car bomb today can take solace in the fact that the insurgency is almost defeated, according to Cheney. I wonder if we should start counting the dead bodies of American soldiers from today. Will that show that Dick was right? I predict that we are not even half way to our final body count; we are still in the beginning stages of this war. Our esteemed leaders have not defined an endpoint yet and will not do so. As long as they are vague about our goals then the American people will not know whether we are winning or losing. There will be a civil war in Iraq and our presence will only exacerbate the situation. The American people need to call for a time table for training Iraqi troops and full American withdraw. This and only this will let the Iraqi’s know that we want them to be a sovereign nation and we are not there for their oil.
I can not listen to Cheney, Bush, Rumsfeld, or the Republican Senators, or Representatives criticize the peace movement that is happening in this country. It is frustrating that they start a war and have no plans for peace yet I am unpatriotic. They send American men and women into harms way based on lies and I am unpatriotic because I say they need to be brought home.
We need to do what we do best. Arm them. We armed the Sunnis when we were backing Saddam against Iran and now we need to arm the Shiites to defend themselves against the insurgency. As long as America is in Iraq suicide bombers from all parts of the Middle East will continue to come to have the privilege to blow up Americans. I know that last statement is sick, but that is the way they see it. The insurgency numbers are growing every day and somehow this means they are in their last throes. Maybe someone can explain it to me.


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