Saturday, June 18, 2005

Republicans can't read

Well for the past 2 days the Republican leadership in Washington has been calling for an apology from Senator Durbin for comments he read into the record on the Senate floor about the closing of Gitmo. The Republicans say that he is not supporting our troops and that he is undermining our ability to win Bush’s war in Iraq. After reading his entire statement, I can not find one place where he undermines our troops. I assume the Republicans think the Bush Administration are the troops, because the only decisions he questions are theirs. Their decision not to treat detainees in accord with the Geneva convention, their decision to torture detainees until they are forced to give us information no matter whether it is true or not.
These decisions made by Bush, Rumsfeld, and Gonzalez make our troops less safe, and make America less safe in the long run. It undermines our supposed values when we do not live up to them.
I do not think for 1 minute that closing Gitmo will stop the torture. We will just continue to send detainees to other countries to torture them for us. It is amazing that this Administration seems unable to learn from mistakes we have made in the past. We are treating Muslims in this country today the same way we treated Japanese Americans after the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
I am not saying that we need to look into everyone equally like is happening at the airport security checks (those are the most ridiculous checks I have ever seen), but we need to be smarter and follow the law when questioning and detaining persons of interest.
This entire fiasco is nothing more than a red herring to take the American peoples focus off where it needs to be. They do not want us actually talking about what is happening in Iraq, Iran, or North Korea. They do not want us talking about the fact that our national debt is strangling our ability to grow our economy. They do not want us talking about the fact that real Americans can no longer afford health care, and that real Americans can no longer spend time raising our children since both parents have to work overtime just to pay the bills.
I for one am sick and tired of this Administration and the Republicans in general complaining every time they get criticized. When you control the White House, the Senate, and the House of Representatives and the country is falling apart you are going to be criticized. If you do not understand the critique, maybe you should ask the ones criticizing you what they meant. I realize that it is just easier for you Republicans just no name call and yell they are unpatriotic and not supporting the troops, but sooner or later the American people will see through your facade of leadership and realize that you do not know what you are doing domestically or overseas.
Back to the original point, Senator Durbin owes no one an apology. This administration owes the American people an apology for dragging us into a personal vendetta under false pretenses. This administration owes the families of over 1700 dead military personnel an apology for killing their loved ones. This administration owes the young in this country an apology for wasting our tax dollars in Iraq while our schools go unfunded. Mr. President it is time for you to own your mistakes, lies, and deceit. It is time for you to tell the American people the truth and let us decide your fate.

This is the link to what Senator Durbin actually said


Blogger Axis of Evil said...

I, like you, am sick of hearing that every criticism of this war or our foreign policy in general is "unpatriotic" or "against the troops." Since when is blind allegience patriotic? As for supporting out troops - that's what Congress and this Adminsitration is supposed to be doing. But words of praise and encouragement are no replacement for body armor. Psuedo-patriotic speeches don't replace V.A. benefits for the wounded and maimed both physically and physcologically. And all the macho blather in the world can't hide the fact that we were absolutely unprepared for the war we now find ourselves in. And here is another thought to ponder - if this cause is so righteous then why do the powers that be feel that any negative comment will shatter the will and morale of our troops? IF morale is low, it is because these yound men and women now know they were sent to the WRONG country and that they are illequipped and improperly trained for the guerilla warfare they are now facing. If the right wing press is right and morale isn't low, then how could some minor criticism of the leaders possibly destroy the morale of the troops? Apparently, if the homefront would have behaved better, we would have won Vietnam. With that kind of mentality, when will we ever leave Iraq....

9:04 AM  
Blogger ROMA said...

His reputation would have never been tarnished had the news media and the Republicans, and the White House not turned an attack on White House policy into an attack on the troops. It is disgusting that any criticism of the White House is turned into something else. Since when are we not allowed to disagree with White House policy? Our Democracy is becoming more and more Dictatorial every day. All Hail King Bush and his Minions in the House, Senate, and on Fox News.

5:44 PM  

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