Saturday, July 30, 2005

Energy Crisis to Continue

President Bush and the Republican controlled congress have accomplished a daily double with their plan for America’s Energy needs that just passed. They were able to give huge subsidies and tax breaks to big oil while maintaining our dependence on foreign oil and continuing to fund terrorism. I can not figure out why President Bush and Tom Delay would want to give huge tax breaks to oil companies from Texas instead of real Americans, but that is what they did.
Any American citizen could tell you that the number one way to decrease our need for foreign oil is to implement fuel efficiency standards. What did our Republican Congress do? They made it illegal for the EPA to even study CAFE standards. Every increase of one mile per gallon in auto fuel efficiency yields more oil than is in two Arctic National Wildlife Refuges. An improvement right now of 2.7 miles per gallon would eliminate our need for all Persian Gulf oil!
What does the Bush Energy plan do for American Security? We will continue to send billions and billions of American dollars to Saudi Arabia, the country where all the 9/11 hijackers came from, while our troops are right around the corner to be attacked. This continued ignorance at the highest level leaves me shocked and appalled.
I have not even gotten into the destruction of our planet that this Energy mistake is going to cause. It is only going to increase pollution and continue global warming. As well as destroy the pristine Artic National Wildlife Refuge.
America is being run into the ground people and unless we wake up in 2006 and vote on real issues the fast track destruction is going to continue. I have only scratched the surface of these issues here. Please do your own research and you will see what I mean.

I will be in the basement for the upcoming week. See you when I get back.


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