Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Bush doing the best he can! ???

I have heard the call for not blaming President Bush for the botched aftermath of Katrina from someone whom I respect and admire this week. He states that it is a time for love. It is a time for the human heart (a force that is much stronger than any hurricane) to open and show compassion for the victims of Katrina. He believes that President Bush, and the administration are maybe doing the best they can. While I agree that when the human heart truly opens and when people are united that anything on earth can be accomplished, and I would even agree that President Bush and the administration may be doing the best they can, I do not agree that they should not be held accountable for their failure to deliver adequate support to the most vulnerable of Americans. I think it is time Americans realize that the best this administration has to offer is just not good enough.
This Administration offers no apologies for any failures. Failures that include:
1. Taking political advantage of a unified America after 9/11 to attack a sovereign nation.
2. Using coerced and fraudulent intelligence for making the case for war.
3. Not planning for the occupation of Iraq, causing the deaths of American military personnel.
4. Not capturing Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan in 4 years after Bush said we will get him.
5. Recklessly running up the National Debt and forcing our children and grandchildren to suffer the consequences.
6. Not believing in Global Burning and continuing to pollute our environment so Bush and his oil friends can reap record profits.
7. Continuing to grow the gap between the poor and rich in our country and abroad.
8. Allowing other rogue countries to develop nuclear weapons on their watch.
9. Not forcing the issue when it comes to getting America off foreign oil.
10. Offering up nothing but slogans and jargon instead of real plans.
(ie. No Child left behind, Clear skies initiative, Healthy Forrest act, Pro-life)

It is time that Americans who voted for Bush realize that they voted for nothing but empty promises and rhetoric. It is time for real transparency in government.

When reporters ask Bush about the resignation of Michael Brown yesterday, Bush stated that he did not know anything about it and that maybe the reporters knew something he didn’t. That is the problem in a nutshell. This President does not know what is going on around him. He remains in the dark far to long about all matters important to this nation, unless of course it has something to do with the religious right. This has been an absentee administration and it is time someone is held accountable.


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