Thursday, September 15, 2005

Please Call 1-877-Leave-Texas

I don’t know if it was just me, but I saw the President’s speech tonight and his head looked huge. I think it was because he had just come from Chevron plant and realized that his investments in big oil were not hurt at all. The day he is going to give a speech full of rhetoric about helping the poor and marginalized of our society he visits Chevron to make sure everything is ok there first.
None of the political analyst afterward mentioned the fact that it seemed the President was doing a little too much preaching and too little actual planning. I think he definitely was reaching out to his right wing fundamentalist base but not his actual conservative base. I guess it is good to know that all those who died are in this president’s version of heaven. Oil fields as far as the eye can see, rivers running black with Texas tea, and the rich people on one side of the world and the poor people on the other.
He also addressed his mother’s concerns about “all these people maybe staying in Texas.” He asked for all displaced people to call in and register. He stated that the federal government will give you money to get the fuck out of Texas. Hell we will even promise you land, of course it is swamp land, but you have never owned anything before so what do you care.
As I assume you can tell I am a bit skeptical that this administration really cares about these poor, displaced, hurting people. I think this is nothing more than a President trying to rebuild his own image, by trying to act compassionate. I hope I will be proved wrong but as soon as the cameras leave I think he will return to the war mongering, oil whore that he really is. (And probably return to vacation after all his was cut short)


Blogger ROMA said...

I will post a dialogue I have had with a right winger. She was the anoynous posy above. I will not delete her response like she did mine. I believe in free speech and am willing to listen and respond to any who is willing to share their beiliefs and ideas. Even is they are spouting views that I find offensive and misguided.

Stuff a sock in it Cindy!

Does she not have a clue as to what a moron she is? Someone please put an end to this pathetic human being. I think her own family has disowned her. The first clue as to her stupidity is the fact that she is posting on the "Oinkers" site... that is nothing more than laughable! Anyone that associates themselves with this unamerican fat pig is definitely a sicko! And Huffington is not much better IMO. I'm sure Cindy is loving all the attention she is getting from the Hollywood wierdo's ... they all love the "Oinker" and they are all Bush haters!

Hey Cindy, no one twisted your son's arm to get him to enlist. He knew the consequences when he joined. It is sad that he was killed but you have went right over the edge on this ....... please hit bottom (as if you haven't alreay). You should channel all of that aggresive energy into something useful and constructive instead of bashing Bush. Hey, has Teddy "fatboy" Kennedy invited you to his place for a drink yet? He's another one that needs to stuff a sock in it!

If you haven't guessed by now, this woman makes me see RED!!!

Mon Sep 12 2005 12:42:11 ET

Celebrity anti-war protester, fresh off inking a lucrative deal with Speaker's Bureau, has demanded at the HUFFINGTON POST and MICHAEL MOORE'S website that the United States military must immediately leave 'occupied' New Orleans.

"I don't care if a human being is black, brown, white, yellow or pink. I don't care if a human being is Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, or pagan. I don't care what flag a person salutes: if a human being is hungry, then it is up to another human being to feed him/her. George Bush needs to stop talking, admit the mistakes of his all around failed administration, pull our troops out of occupied New Orleans and Iraq, and excuse his self from power. The only way America will become more secure is if we have a new administration that cares about Americans even if they don't fall into the top two percent of the wealthiest."

Sheehan is in the middle of a bus trip across America in support of her cause.


posted by ShutterFreak at 5:57 PM

1 Comments:You do not have to go posting anonymously on my site. I am willing to have a civilized debate over any issue. Real debate of the issues is the only way we are going to get anywhere. Unfortunately all this administration has offered up is jargon, platitudes, campaign slogans. No real ideas or plans. Take last nights speech for example, Bush says lets employ local contractors, and local workers but today hands down a law limiting wages and hands out a bunch of no bid contracts to who, you guessed it his biggest supporter, Halliburton. They are doing such a great job stealing our tax payer dollars in Iraq they should be handed no bid contracts in America as well. The argument that Halliburton was the only company qualified for the job in Iraq due to the oil and the danger may have held a little water but any job here in America deserves a fair bidding process esp. when the President goes in front of the American people and promises them that. I'm sorry the truth hurts, but I always go into his speeches with an open mind, but he never says anything but lets help the rich corporations at the expense of real competition. Bush uses nothing but code words and political talk to keep the country somewhat on his side. He will continue to use fear and divisive language to keep us as far apart as possible. I'm sorry that you are unwilling to listen to anything that does not praise our President. I really did like your photographs, I thought they were incredible.

By ROMA, at 9:38 PM

8:43 PM  
Blogger ROMA said...

I forgot to post her site in case anyone would like to see some beautiful pictures.

8:56 PM  
Blogger Axis of Evil said...

I've lost some of my zeal for this if you haven't noticed by the lack of posting on my own site. However, I must take time to defend ROMA. "Someone please put an end to this pathetic human being"??? I thought the Bush-lovers were supposed to be more pious than we god-hating Liberals. This is a mother who has lost her son who was supposedly fighting to defend American and all we are supposed to stand for. Has she not at least the right to speak her mind? Question her motives if you must, but wishing her harm simply because you disagree with her opinion? What Would Jesus Do? (I don't think the correct answer is "Off the Bitch")

9:55 PM  
Blogger Axis of Evil said...

On another note, "Oil Whore" seems pretty accurate to me. We are fighting in Iraq over oil (no oil in Daffur = no American involvement), we are debating desecrating the ANWR so gas prices can supposdely go down for several hours in 2015, by some accounts we are trying to foment rebellion in Venezuela (to secure a stronger hand in the internal affairs of our largest supplier), Haliburton gets seemingly endless no-bid contracts despite bilking taxpayers out of millions of dollars for services never rendered, increases in fuel efficiency standards were off the table before a hurricane exposed just how dependent we are (they are now back on the table although no one knows how Detroit will create a minivan that gets 1 more mile per gallon in only seven short years), and the process that produced our long term energy policy is so corrupt that the White House refuses to even identify who was present at the meetings that produced it (can you say Exxon-Mobil). Appraently the W stands for Whore.

10:09 PM  
Blogger ROMA said...

I think the ultra right wingers have a few extra books in their Bibles. Maybe ones about Jesus' life between 12 and 30. I'm sure he joined the Roman Army when he was 18 and went around doing Ceasar's killing for him. How great of a hit man would Jesus have been? He would not have had to leave Ceasar's side.
Ceasar-"Jesus, I want Cindy Sheehan dead."
Jesus- "Do you want her to suffer or to die right now?"
Ceasar-"Right now"
Jesus-"She just had a heart attack."

Thanks for the defense Axis. The wonderful thing about zeal is it comes and goes. I know when we need you in the game you will be there as well as your zeal.

10:16 PM  
Blogger Axis of Evil said...

"Someone please put an end to this pathetic human being" - is it just me or does this not imply death? How else would one "put an end" to a human being? As far as "moaning and bitching" goes, they're seems to be alot of that going around. And someone please settle on the true rationale for this war in Iraq... Are we "defending" America from terrorists whom we let into the country, are we still trying to find WMD, perhaps the liberal media (and the 9/11 Commission) has it wrong when they report there were no ties between Al Queda and Iraq PRIOR to our invasion. It seems we have now settled on bringing "democracy" to Iraq. If so, then CS's son didn't die defending the USA, he died to bring democracy to Iraq. But that doesn't quite have the psuedo-patriotic ring to it. If the chicken hawks in the current administration were truly partiotic, we would never have entered a war of choice and when forced to fight we would have sent our young men and women well-equipped. Instead of body armor they got "Mission Accomplished" banners and a macho President who tossed idle threats of "Bring 'em on" to hardened killers knowing full well there was no price for he, his family, or is ultra-rich cronies to bear. And the American people would have been asked for real sacrifice, like increased taxes and decreased consumption, not to mention a more equitable share of the actual fighting amongst all classes. But no, we have bumper stickers and flags, with no pitcures of the flagdrpaed caskets at Dover and no real analysis as to whether this war is truly worth the lives of young Americans. Young men like CS's son who are gone forever, will never hold their child's hand, send them to school, or cry at their wedding. All the cheerleading and yellow ribbons in the world won't change the fact that thousands are dead, tens of thousands are maimed, and unknown numbers are physcologically damaged - and that doen't include the innocent Iraqi citizens who are caught in the crossfire. And all this in a country who by all reasonable accounts was not involved in 9/11 and has never had a hand in an international terrorist act against the USA. The list of crimes against Iraq reads as a blanket endictment against nearly every country in the middle east inlcuding our allies: political oppression, pilfering of national resources, international drug trading, support for Palestinian militants. The only unique action was the use of chemical weapons, which by the way, occurred during the Reagan Administration. Reagan's response to this atrocity - NOTHING! I'm sure CS's son signed up to defend this country. I'm not so sure that that's what he ended up dying for...

11:40 AM  
Blogger ROMA said...

Just like any good Right-winger, anonymous has banned debate on her site. Instead she prefers to spout off lies and not be called on it. On her site it says that she is a "many times published author" and has an MBA from Brown. It sounds to me like she is someone who benefits fully from Mr. Bush's policies, and wants to thank him by skewering anyone who opposes him.

Shutterfreak- Fell free to come to my site anytime you want to know what the other side has to say, and feel free to post your opinion on the matter.

7:23 AM  
Blogger Axis of Evil said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

12:21 PM  
Blogger Axis of Evil said...

I'm not sure that the Rush Limbaugh Fan Club Newsletter should count as "many times published." I have a BBA from GWU - and that and $1.09 will get me a cup of coffee from Sheetz. If you voice your opinions like an angry teenager, all the degrees in the world won't be able to mask it. (And a BBA from GWU won't help your typing, even if you don't voice your opinions like an angry teenager)

12:40 PM  

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