Saturday, December 03, 2005

Stupid Fool

“Fool me once, errrr, shame on you, fool me, errrr, you can’t get fooled again.” -A quote from our President. Just watch the video it is much better.

That is what I think of the Bush speech about how the war in Iraq is going, how can we trust what this administration tells us about the war in Iraq? One minute they tell us we will be there for years to come, a week later Cheney says the insurgency is in its “last throes”, and the next minute Rumsfeld tells us we will probably be there for 10 years. This war has been nothing but politically motivated from the beginning, and Bush used it to get re-elected and now he'll try and salvage some use out of it to keep the Republican majority. All you hear from Republicans and the right wing news sources is that the Democrats have no better plan than to “stay the course.” I guess it is not good enough that we would never have been there in the first place if back in 2000 the elected person would have been handed the Presidency, but I digress.

What if I told you that no matter what plan is implemented, Iraq ends up in a civil war. You have a 60% Shiite population that was brutally repressed by a 20% Sunni population. You also have the Kurds in the North that were gassed and repressed by the Sunnis. These were the major reasons that Bush I and General Schwarzkopf did not invade the during the first Gulf war. They were at least smart enough to know that an outside force could not keep this country together.

For as much as Bush touts the fact that a stable, democratic Iraq would be a stabilizing force in the region, he has no plan for such a place. Unfortunately this Iraq is a dream. The Iraq that Bush and his neo-con buddies have created will be a destabilizing force for decades to come.

And what is the deal with catching the #3 man in Al Qaeda? We have caught this guy 4 times now. I wish the Administration would tell us ahead of time who the #3 person is. I bet then we would not catch him so many times. Of course Pakistan claims he was the #5 man in Al Qaeda but Fox news claims a great blow to Al Qaeda as we have killed the #3 man. Of course every time we kill a Muslim in Afghanistan Fox news claims we have killed the #3 man in Al Qaeda. Fox is to news what al jazeera is to news. A bit slanted.

Enjoy the video.
If the link does not work just cut and paste


Blogger ahsirt said...

Off the subject, but I think you'll enjoy the post nonetheless...

Apparently ABC pharmacy has gone to the dogs since the two pillars (*clearing throat* you and me) left. Axis went to pick up a prescription last week and was told that he never had anything filled there. Then CF came forward and required his DOB, SSN, mother's maiden name, country of origin, etc to find him in the computer. The kicker - the prescription was sitting in the bin (filed correctly, but conspicuously hiding from Idiot Tech). CF offered no apology and simply stated, "You were in the computer twice." So Axis went from never having anything filled to being in the computer twice. Wonderful. And finally something that happened while you were still there - mom went to pick up her prescription and stood at the counter for 5 minutes will MP and JC had a conversation with each other and AL worked her ass of filling scripts. Finally AL threw her spatula down and walked around to help Mom. You truly are missed...if not just by my family. WF is a bitch - there's no other way to put that. LOL. BTW, I'll be thinking of you while I'm out making snow angels tomorrow. See, don't you miss WV already??? :(

11:09 PM  

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