Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Pre-Speech answer to speech

Well, I’m back after my long hiatus. First let me say that this working 6 out of 7 days sucks. My partner claims that there is no way he can get his custody arrangement changed, but he thinks he deserves a good partner after the last 2 years of partners. Well, I have news for him this schedule that he is forcing me to work will have me looking for the first exit out of this store as soon as possible. When I say working 6 out of 7, for the uninformed, I mean 4 of the six are 12 hours days one is 10 hours and one 8, on your feet the entire time. You might think that the 6 out of 7 off would easily make up for it, but I am a person that does not handle transition that well to begin with so I loose a day being in a bad mood thinking about going back to work, and to tell the truth I do not know enough people here in Santa Fe yet to be able to get out and do anything. I have been limited to work at work and work around my house.
Another reason I have been absent is because I do not have anyone to bounce ideas off of or just to talk to about the politics in the world today. It is difficult to continue a conversation with one’s self. It is hard to be able to gather ones thoughts if you do not here another perspective and I worry about a truly one sided view. (I know our current leadership in Washington does not worry about this since he surrounded himself with nothing but yes men, and he quieted the Generals by firing the only General willing to stand up to Rumsfeld’s plan of attack.)
So anyway after a day of listening to the right wing press, I feel I am informed on what Bush will say tomorrow and it will be nothing more than a “stay the course” speech. Bush back up on the stump with the military behind him. It gives the illusion that the troops support this man’s policies. I hate to tell him our troops are so good that they will do whatever job they are given no matter how ignorant and flawed the plan is. They will do it and not say a word because that is their job. Back to the Bush monologue, “It would be a big mistake to withdraw now.” –There is a vocal minority that wants the troops all out now, but they do not speak for all Americans. What I think all Americans want is a real plan and admittance that we have wasted real Americans tax dollars for 2 years. We want to know when these Iraqi forces will be trained. I know that sounds like a time table and the insurgents “will just wait us out”, but I am convinced that our presence is bolstering the insurgency and hindering the Iraqi army’s progress.
Luckily the mid-term elections are fast approaching and the Republicans need to have trimmed the troop levels or at least say they are about to trim the levels to try and hang on to their majority status. With the Iraqi elections in December this will give Bush political cover to say there has been substantial progress and we will be able to lower troop levels soon. Of course before the last election we increased troop levels from 135,000 to 160,000 (allegedly temporarily) to protect the polls and we are still at that level almost a year and a half later. (So much for all those purple fingers) Bush will rant on about how he wants to win and how he wants to defeat the terrorist and we can not let the brave men and women who have already died be in vane, but what he will not say is that his actions created most of these terrorist and is creating new suicide bombers every day. Once women were never used or even thought of being suicide bombers now we have husband and wife teams. The terrorist are not just fighting there like Bush wants us to believe. They are fighting in England, Spain, Jordan and other countries. They are fighting us there yes, but believe me they will fight us here again also. It is just a matter of time.

I am getting tired and my thoughts are running in 15 different directions so, so long for now.

Next post will be about sex, that should make you come back.


Blogger Axis of Evil said...

Why did it only take 18,000 troops to dethrone the Taliban in Afghanistan but it takes over 130,000 troops to dethrone Sadaam Hussein? Lost in the hysteria over Murtha's withdrawl plan was the fact that he was suggesting exactly what we have in Afghanistan - a small and highly mobile force presence in country and a large contingent force in non-combat areas of neighboring states. If this plan is good enough for the heart of Al Queda, then why wouldn't it work for Al Queda-lite in Iraq? The real answer - OIL. There are no oil fields in Afghanistan to protect. If our involvement in Iraq was truly about the War on Terror, why is there no parity between the country that actually attacked us on our oil soil and the one who never has?

3:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should have stayed on hiatus.

7:33 PM  

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