Friday, November 18, 2005

My thanks to Kanye West-Gold Digger

I ain’t sayin she a gold digger,
But she ain’t playin wit no broke, broke.
I ain’t sayin she a gold digger,
But she ain’t playin wit no broke, broke.

These are the kind of lyrics that stick in your head when you listen to hip-hop to and from work everyday, because you can not find anything else on FM. I guess I will be investing in XM very soon, but these lyrics reminded me of our President and his Republican allies. Couldn’t the lyrics just as easily be…

I ain’t sayin George a gold digger,
but he ain’t helpin out no poor, poor.
I ain’t sayin George a gold digger,
But he ain’t helping out no poor, poor.

Let’s look at who George and his Republican buddies have helped since they have taken control.

1. Oil companies—SHOCKER—record profits and they still get sweetheart deals in the so called energy bill, and gas is still above $2.50 a gallon.
2. Credit card companies—No more bankruptcy for the little man, but corporate America can declare bankruptcy and wipe their slates clean of employee pensions.
3. PBM’s-(Pharmacy Benefit Managers)- The Medicare prescription bill was nothing but a give away to the scum of the earth PBM’s. The Republicans did not feel the need to negotiate for lower prices for seniors and use the government’s power to leverage lower prices. Instead they gave these companies the power to charge seniors around $35 a month and $250 deductibles and then PBM’s are allowed to negotiate for rebates for themselves. They will not have to pass the reduced cost on to the seniors or the American Tax Payer, they will be allowed to pocket all the extra profits.
4. Wall Street—I guess the Democrats were able to stop the give away of Social Security for now, but you can bet that this is not really off the President’s radar. This President will stop at nothing when it comes to giving his corporate contributors money. You can bet that after the mid term elections if he still has a majority in both houses that this will come back up. (and he will once again have a mandate)
5. Haliburton- Enough said, I mean we blew the hell out of innocent people so this company could steal real Americans money, and squander it in a desert half way around the world.
6. Richest 1% of Americans- Got a nice tax break while the rest of us are getting huge deficits that our children will have to pay back.

I’m sure I am forgetting many other incidents of you scratch my back and I will pour money over yours, but how can anyone remember all of them.

I aint’ sayin George a gold digger,
But he ain’t helpin out no poor, poor

I ain’t sayin George a gold digger,
But he aint helpin out no poor, poor


Blogger ahsirt said...

OMG - you have to get XM! I feel so sorry for you being subjected to rap every day. My guess is since you are listening to Kayne West on FM, you are truly missing the wonderful lyrics of the song. For example, the chorus is actually - "I ain't sayin she a gold digga; but she ain't messing wit no broke niggaz." And my personal favorite, in the last verse of the song - "I know his dude's ballin but yea thats nice; And they gone keep callin and tryin; But you stay right girl; But when you get on he leave yo ass for a white girl."

If you get XM, I highly recommend BoneYard. A station dedicated to pure rock...none of that rap shit. You can also throw in some Ethel for an alternative kick. :)

11:31 AM  
Blogger ROMA said...

its not nearly as bad as i make it sound, i actually like listening to it and i really like the morning dj's. tooooo many commercials though. I kind of figured he used a different word in the refrain but i actaully like the repetition of the word broke, broke.
My other favorite right now is of course Laffy Taffy. You know "they call me Jolly Rancher cuz i stay so hard you can suck me for a long time oh my god"

let's see how can I turn that into a Bush basher.

they call me stubborn George cuz I stay so long we will be in Iraq til the cows come home.

11:48 AM  

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