Saturday, January 14, 2006

War on Terror or War that creates Terror?

3 children dead and we expect him to help us locate other terrorist. We are the terrorist in his mind.

Who do we think we are? Are our children, mothers and fathers more precious than other countries? Is there any wonder there is growing hatred in the Muslim world toward America? How does this air strike, which killed between 17-50 people, help in the war on terror? I thought Pakistan was on our side and was hunting down the terrorist in their country. Let’s say we did kill the number 2 in command with this strike, which is in question, do we believe that terrorism in the world is going to slow down? This war that will never end needs to stop. This war on terrorism is being used by the Bush administration to attack our civil liberties and kill innocent people based on sketchy intelligence. We have seen how good our intelligence is with the run up to the invasion of Iraq, it has left us in a quagmire of a war with no end in sight. Over 2,000 American soldiers dead, about 20,000 injured, an unknown number will be mentally strained for the rest of their lives, and between 30,000 and 100,000 innocent Iraqi’s dead and are we really any safer? ARE WE REALLY ANY SAFER?


Blogger ahsirt said...

We didn't catch #2 in the Al Qaeda hit list. And even if we did, would we be any "safer"? The answer quite frankly is NO. When one of these individual's dies, there is another person more than willing to step up and take their place. Now we have the blood of 18 innocent men, women, and children on our hands. Talk about losing credibility in the world... Pakistan and our relations aren't the greatest to begin with, and now we're bombing their citizens. If it would've been the other way around, Americans would be in the street protesting. But, alas, they were Muslim, so it doesn't really matter (note cynicism). I just shake my head in disgust.

1:30 PM  
Blogger ROMA said...

Another allie thrown aside in the war on terror.

9:33 PM  
Blogger Axis of Evil said...

Pakistan is dictatorship. If we were truly interested in spreding freedom in the Middle East, we would have invaded Pakistan also. And make no mistake, the only reason Pakistan cooperates with us now is the direct threat of invasion. After all, it was the Pakistanis who propped up the Taliban in Afghanistan in the first place. There is more American blood on Pakistani hands than there is on Iraqi hands.

This is the hard truth about the Middle East that no one will admit - any true "democracy" in the region (outside of Turkey and Isreal) would immediately elect a government that would overtly sponsor terror against western and Israeli targets. Its the plain truth about the Muslim street. The people of the region are dirt poor and have suffered under brutal dictatorships for a century. Their only respite is religion, and just like here in America, poor and undereducated seek a religion of a fundamentalist nature. The oppreseeive governments in the region have embraced this brand of Islam because it provides scapegoats (Jews and Westerners) and an outlet for pent up anger while diverting attention away from the repressive government.

There will be no "free" Iraq, and even if there were it would do nothing to stem the tide of terrorism. Until we tackle fundamentlism head on, require true reform amongst our "allies" in the Middle East, and return to our role as a neutral broker in the Isreali/Palestinian peace process, there will be no end to Islamic terrorism. Unfortunately, our current administration embraces the concept of fundamentalism (Christian rather than Muslim), has a monteary interest via oil in the continuation of repressive regimes (most notably Saudi Arabia), and needs Isreal to retake the holy land so the Rapture can begin. There is no end in sight...

6:52 AM  
Blogger ROMA said...

or is "the end" in sight??

7:33 AM  

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