Thursday, February 09, 2006

Question of the day?

Is the Republican machine falling apart?

Libby is blaming Boss Cheney for leaking covert CIA operative’s name

Brownie is threatening to tell all if the nincompoop does not come through with a defense for the Katrina debacle.

Bush is trying to drum up support for spying on Americans by saying that a south Asian country foiled an attack on the “Liberty Tower in Los Angles”. (It was really the Library Tower but we all know he has an aversion to knowledge and books so I guess it was an honest mistake)—Doesn’t he realize that if they can foil an attack on American soil what an idiot it makes him look like for not being able to do it?

Abramoff scandal continues

Bush’s buddy Ken Lay’s trial coming up

Delay continues to be in the news: His lawyer said that Delay plans to stick by his friend Abramoff because that is what friends do. Ok hopefully we can arrange for you to have the cell next to his.

All this going on and what is Fox News upset about, Democrats celebrating the life of a political and civil rights activist by talking about the current political situation.

I still think the press is asleep at the wheel, but there is just so much corruption that it is hard to stay focused on all the crimes. You could not even be clearing brush on the ranch and not hit a criminal with a tree limb.


Blogger Iwanski said...

Today on "Face the Nation" Howard Dean kept saying if it's true that Cheney approved leaking Plame's name, then Cheney must leave office.

Dean handled himself pretty well today. For once, he didn't go on the program and embarrass the party.

9:28 AM  

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