Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Random Thoughts

Fat people who ride scooters in grocery stores are not allowed to open up the box of Nutty Buddies and eat 3 before they are finished shopping. (If you could not guess I saw this display this week, I tried to get a picture with my phone but could not get close enough and get the entire lady in the frame, and get any part of the Nutty Buddy that was barely sticking out of her huge mitt she called a hand.)

Gas stations that raise the price of gas on Friday’s before a holiday by 20 cents a gallon are gougers. Just because every station in town does it does not make it right. Any station caught doing this needs to pay to have their tanks filled up, then the managers need to stand out at the pumps for an entire day pumping gas for the price it was in 1950.

What the hell is wrong with these Democratic Senators? A vote to confirm Michael Hayden was a vote in favor of domestic spying without a warrant and collection of all our phone records without a warrant. I am at a total loss on this one. What a bunch of spineless bastards, including you Senator Byrd. Some Senators thought that Gen. Hayden had proved he could speak truth to power and reform the CIA. I think this vote shows that you Senators proved you can not speak truth to power. Hayden is nothing but a yes man for John Negroponte (War Monger), and will prove whatever case Mr. Negroponte wants proved. Calling Mr. Feingold, the Democratic Nomination awaits.

List of Hollywood types I have seen in Santa Fe-

Ray Liotta (Gave me a look like he used in Good Fellas, thought he was going to pull a piece from his waistband and hit me over the head with it.)

Shirley McClain- Ask me, the pharmacist, if “we had those things that keep food cold” and then yelled “Ohhh, a Cooler” I pretended I had no clue who she was and directed the crazy old lady to the service desk.

Jessica Simpson- This is just a dream. Actually she was in the store, but I was off that day. I hate this stupid schedule.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Compliments of truth out.

Land of the free, home of the brave???

What has America come to? If America had to be defined today, what would the definition be? It would definitely not be land of the free, home of the brave.

Land of the wealthy, home of the complacent

Land of the scared, home of the weak

Land of the leaderless, home of the sheep

Land of the corporations, home of the consumers

Land of the incumbents, home of the lobbyist

Land of the dieing, home of darkness

Land of pollution, home of the unconcerned

Land of the obese, home of the super-sized

Land of religion, home of hypocrisy

Land of pandering politicians, home of the unreliable leaders

Land of the one issue voter, home of the pandered

Land of the corrupt, home of the fake

Land of the Decider, home of the left behind

Why is it that we are more concerned about ourselves than we are about the future of America? Why is it that we can be scared into giving up our freedoms so easily? Do we not realize how hard it will be to get them back? Do we no longer believe that it is better that 10 guilty people go free than 1 innocent person is put in jail? One might argue that this does not apply to the search for terrorist, but with extreme renditions and torture doesn’t it apply more than ever.
If I was a Muslim in America I would be very afraid. Imagine for 1 minute that your father was from Afghanistan. He did not come home from work one night. These are the kinds of things that are happening in our once proud America. We are allowing our Executive branch to go unchecked in their powers and the act as if he is the Legislative branch and bypass the Judicial branch altogether.
I realize that the poll of Americans asked about their phone records was flawed but what does it say about us that 64% do not care if the government listens in. What does it say about us?

Who are WE?

Pat Roberts, Senator from Kansas, says when you are dead you have no liberties. One of our founding fathers had a different take on liberty.

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!—Patrick Henry

Oh by the way, you want to see a picture of the definiton of failure? Go to google and type in failure and hit the button I'm feeling lucky.

Saturday, May 13, 2006


Mad scientist or paid sponsor?

Tonight while flipping through the news channels I stopped on my first love Fox News.

I hear the announcer state that “next we are going to talk to a scientist who does not believe that global warming is a problem.”

I had to hear what could possibly be his explanation for why global warming is not a problem.

Of course the first thing I noticed when he was on was that the city skyline behind Dr. Richard Lindzen had a huge Citgo logo right beside his head. What was that all about?????

Dr. Lindzen went on to explain that the computer models were far from accurate and that all the scientist that agree on global warming are either bought off or being pressured into it.

What a crock of shit. Why is it that when Fox News has a right wing guest on there is never a counter argument put forward, but if they have anyone who leans to the left at all they have 3 right wingers to counter every argument and never give the progressive thinker the last word.

I went to look up Dr Lindzen online to see if I could check out his work. I found this.

The November 10, 2004 online version of Reason magazine reported that Lindzen is "willing to take bets that global average temperatures in 20 years will in fact be lower than they are now."[15] Climatologist James Annan,[16] who has offered multiple bets that global temperatures will increase,[17] contacted Lindzen to arrange a bet.[18] Annan offered to pay 2:1 odds in Lindzen's favor if temperatures declined, but said that Lindzen would only accept a bet if the payout was 50:1 or better in his favor. No bet occurred [19].---Wikipedia

Sounds like he isn’t willing to put his money where his mouth is.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Goss is gone

But the agency, like the Bush administration, has been far from peaceful. Goss' departure was the White House's third major personnel move in just over a month, aimed at reinvigorating President Bush's second term.--AP

This move has nothing to do with reinvigorating the president's second term, it is all about another scandal. We will soon find out what this is really about, but until we do do not listen to the spin machine.

This is a great time for the CIA to be without a leader. It already lost years and years of experience when Goss came in, and now it is about to lose much more, but at least they will continue to be loyal to the Bush mantra.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I want my $100!

It might surprise you all to know that I do want George and his idiot followers in Congress to give me my 100 dollars, but I do.

But, you knew there was a but, I want every Congressman and woman to give it out of their campaign funds. I do not want to borrow it from my children and have them pay it back with interest to the Chinese.

It is the dumbest fucking idea ever to just send every family a $100 tax break to make up for the excessive profits of oil companies and the ignorance of congress not to act on this issue years ago. When will our government be given back to the people and taken away from the corporations and lobbyist.

Corporations have had their day and November is the time to give the government back to the people of America (and apparently some illegal Hispanics). It is critical that everyone who believes that this country is going in the wrong direction to vote out their congressperson if they supported the sins of this administration. It is not enough to just vote yourself, you have to find and take someone else to the polls to vote as well. Just like the movie Pay it Forward, we must each do our part to get other people to the polls and hopefully they will tell one of their friends as well.

It is critical that we have a huge turnout in the next election. We need to have the same turnout that we did for the Presidential election, in every district across this country. Then and only then can we get rid of these liars that took control of Congress 12 years ago. It seems that a lot of these Congressman and woman ran 12 years ago on the notion that they would not run for office after 12 years. They ran saying that they just wanted to reform government and get out. They were not career politicians. I guess that was a little white lie. Although they did reform it. They turned our Democracy into a Kleptocracy. It is time to take it back.

I am in no way saying that things will change or be better over night, if we give power over one of the houses of Congress back to the people. First we must find out all the real sins that have been committed by the people in power, and we can only do this with subpoena power that comes with control. Secondly, we have to realize that sacrifice will be needed from this generation to get back to fiscal responsibility. We have to pay for Bush's war. We have to become energy independent. We have to institute real health care for all Americans. We have to stop polluting our planet and stop global warming. We have to get control of pork spending. In other words, we have a responsibility not only to ourselves but to our children and grandchildren. We can do this, but we must be proactive NOW. We can no longer say that our vote does not count.

Everyone has a family member or friend or co-worker that does not vote. You must impress upon them the importance of this November. You must get them registered and take them to the polls.

That is the mission. Good Luck, and may God be with us.

PS- "I want my two dollars." is a line from one of my favorite movies. Name the movie and you can take June off.

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