Sunday, April 02, 2006

Warning-This may not be politically correct

$ 2.80 a Gallon

What do I think?

Investor me: Buy oil stocks-the dividends alone will make it worthwhile.

Conspiracy theorist me: Bush called his oil friends and said “Fuck the American people. They don’t like Bushie anymore. Go ahead and take them for all you can for the next 3 years. He, He, He.”

Political me:

Local economies- another huge blow to local family owned businesses- with American’s having less and less disposable income the small businesses feel the pain more than anyone.

State economies- Many states are flourishing and have huge surpluses from the asinine, and archaic tax code which allows states to raise the tax as the price of a gallon of gas goes up. Many states felt it necessary to have a floating tax on gasoline because they thought that as the price went up consumption would go down and therefore they wanted a steady stream of income, but as we all know Americans are not buying less gas just paying more taxes. I don’t think consumption will go down until the price gets to $3.50-4.00 a gallon.

Federal- I see huge campaign contributions for the Republicans to “swift boat” any and all democrats.

Environmental me: Higher prices are the only thing that will lower our usage and slow global warming. $5.00 a gallon would be nice.

Consumer me: “Damn that’s a lot of money to fill up this vehicle. How much does a Prius cost again?”

Grandparent me: “I remember when gas was a nickel a gallon.” (OK. I’m not a grandparent and do not remember gas at 5 cent a gallon, but I did have to walk to and from school in blizzards, uphill both ways.)

Inventor me: I’m too stupid to invent anything to help. Hmmmm. With the immigration problems we are having how about a Hispanic powered car??? You might think it would be easier for them to pull us fat Americans in a rickshaw but we need the security of our SUVs.

Defense me: similar to environmental me- The only way to wean ourselves from the Arabian tit is if it cost too much to suck on. If we don’t have to nurse on the nipple then we don’t have to guard it either.

Me me: Americans will continue to bitch about the high price of gasoline but come election time they will be distracted and do nothing about it. We will just keep getting screwed by corporations and politicians and we will keep screwing the environment. The real cost of this will be passed onto our children in the form of un-payable debt and an environmental catastrophe that is beyond fixing. America is headed for a fall without honest, reality based leadership. (Sorry to end on such a sour note.)

What do you think?


Blogger Iwanski said...

As one of the few non-car owners in America, I continue to rack up the savings.

4:59 PM  

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