Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Poor little Rich men!

The NFL labor discussion is hilarious. The owners speaking about revenue sharing calling them selves the “haves and have-nots” strikes (no pun intended) me as funny. Let’s just call them what they are. They are really the “haves and have mores”. I mean come on we are not talking about American society here. We are talking about a group of old men who have so much money that they have nothing better to do with it than own an NFL franchise. Fortunately the NFL players union is now bargaining from a position of strength unlike most unions in today’s economy. Most unions in today’s world have been marginalized by the continued protection corporate America gets from the Republican Party. The owners can not outsource these jobs and must deal with the union’s proposal.

The tax-payers and fans have already been fleeced enough by this greedy group of owners. Every time any owner wants a new stadium he threatens to take his team to a city that will pay for a new stadium so he can reap the rewards. Do the tax payers get anything back for this investment? Yes a team they are renting and a long term bill, but not any real loyalty because you can bet the next time the stadium needs upgraded so they can put in even more corporate luxury boxes so the owner can reap higher profits he will not be investing his own money for this venture. He will again be investing tax payer dollars for private profits.


Blogger Axis of Evil said...

Ultimately, it is we the fans who are the whores. We have it solely in our power to put an end to all of this. WE pay the increased taxes. WE pay for the tickets to fill the stadium. WE watch the games on TV that drive the ad revenue. WE buy the merchandise with team logos. Of course, WE (well not me) shop at Walmart so we can save $1.99 despite their unfair labor practices and the fact that they pass their employment costs onto the taxpayers. Let's face it - the American public is a whore. And not a high priced, attractive call girl. We are the street walking crack whore willing to do anything for a buck. God bless America...

6:43 AM  
Blogger ROMA said...

While in theory I agree, in the real world the deck is so stacked against US that WE don't stand a chance. I know that WE like football and pay the ticket prices and WE continue to vote to "save our teams" by giving sweetheart deals to owners, but can the WE actually stand up and stop it?

I would like to think that WE could but that is naive. WE are bombarded with facts about the loss of jobs and how much money these teams bring into the community that WE think that it is necessary to have these teams. Is it? No, but who has put the money into convincing us that it is? The owners and the politicians that the owners support. It is hard to get the truth out about anything when the money does not want the truth to be released.

8:12 AM  

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