Friday, April 21, 2006

Back on point!


6 Generals call for Rumsfeld to be fired-

Bush- “I’m the DECIDER. I say Don Rumsfeld staying is best for me.”

Listening to Generals-
Bush---Troop levels and military strategery will not be decided by politicians in Washington. We listen to our commanders on the ground.

Rumsfeld and Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz criticized the Army's chief of staff, Gen. Eric Shinseki, after Shinseki told Congress in February that the occupation could require "several hundred thousand troops." Wolfowitz called Shinseki's estimate "wildly off the mark."---USA TODAY

Bush after hearing the General’s remarks—“I’m the Decider. You’re fired Shinseki. I feel like the Donald. He, He, He.”

Leak investigation-
Bush- We need to stop all the leaks. This leaking is jeopardizing our security, not to mention my poll numbers.

-If the leaker is someone in my administration they will no longer work at the White House.

After hearing that Scooter squealed on the Vice-President and that the Vice-President implicated that the leak was authorized by the President.

Bush-“I’m the DECIDER! Criticism of this White House and me will not be tolerated. If I want to declassify documents and not tell anyone but Dick (He, He, He, Dick) I’ll do it. I do not answer to the CIA or any covert operatives. I’m the DECIDER and that’s final.

Oil companies record profits-
Democrats on Capital Hill-
“Mr. President with the state of the union being in debt up to our eye balls to China, and the oil companies record multi-billion dollar profits why don’t we rescind the billion dollar tax breaks to the oil companies.”

Bush- “I’m the DECIDER! They need that money and I made promises. You know where I stand and it is with my corporate allies.”

Andy Card-“Mr. President, America is under attack. What are you going to do?”

Bush’s thoughts-(You have to read this slow like Bush would think. It needs to take about 7 minutes.)

“This is a little too important for me to be the decider. Ummm, well, ummmm, where’s Dick? (He, He, He Dick) Ummm. I guess I’ll be the decider. I think I will finish reading about the pet goat. Maybe it will be over by then. It was a blue state that was attacked and that was what God told me was going to happen. After all that’s what they get for not voting for me. This goat story is riveting. It’s a real page turner. I can’t believe I am going to finish reading a book. I have not finished a book in years without Laura’s help. She will be so proud of me. I wonder if after I tell her she will be willing to give me a little nookie. He, he, he, I said nookie. Nookie is a funny word. Lookie, lookie, W. is going to get some nookie. That’s pretty funny.
What was I thinking about?

Think George.

Why is Andy pacing around so much? I think he would like this goat. He devours all the resources and won’t let anyone else have any. That is my kind of goat. I wonder if Karl can work this goat into our next campaign. Maybe we can replace that dumb elephant with the goat. Maybe a death match between an elephant and a goat. That would be quite a kerfuffle. I wonder if I used that word right. I like the word a day calendar that Scotty gave me, but even after reading the definitions it is still hard to understand the words. I will have to ask a speech writer to put it in a speech for me someday. Why is Andy coming this way to interrupt my story again? What could possibly be so important that they need me? So much for finishing the book and my nookie….”


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