Sunday, April 27, 2008

What do we believe?

John McCain thinks Barack Obama is insensitive to the poor and out of touch on economic issues according to the AP.

If you are poor, and by that I mean a family of 4 living on less than $50,000 a year in today's Bush/McCain economy and you take anything Johnny Bombiran says seriously, you may want to keep clinging to your guns, religion, and anti-immigrant thoughts. You are not going to believe anything Barack Obama says because he is black. I'm sorry to tell you but you are a racist like 19% of the people who voted for Hillary Clinton in Pennsylvania, and that was the ones who had the guts to say that to a pollster.

What do I believe?

I believe that now is a time we all need to come together. We need to realize that America is not only headed in the wrong direction but we are moving 180 degrees in the wrong direction. We need to let the big brains run the country for a while. How did we ever elect a president that at least half of America is smarter than and do we really want to go through this for 4 more years?

This election is about what you believe our government is for. Is it to take care of Wall Street or Main street? Are we voting for more corporate welfare or our citizens welfare? do we want actual health care or continued sick care? Do we want "we the people" leadership or "we the rich" leadership?

It is not about John McCain's courting of religious nut jobs or Barack Obama's standing by his 20 year pastor. It is not about the fact that Hillary and McCain want to blow smoke up America's ass while Barack is willing to tell America not only what he believes but where he stands and where we need to go.

It is a time for the brave new America not the fearful, old America that McCain and Hillary hope is voting. Will America overcome its fears? What do you believe?

Saturday, April 12, 2008


So now according to corporate Clinton, Barack is an Elitist. I have been pondering this post for a while now and this most recent Clinton and McCain attack has helped push me to post.

I have been thinking for awhile that maybe the working class voters do not know what is best for America or themselves. I think the working class voter has had their President for the last 8 years. It is time for the educated among us to pick the President. If the working class can not understand nuance or actual policy and only vote based on 30 second adds and punditry then they do not deserve a vote. If someones vote is cast solely on the basis of religion, the second amendment, racism or sexism then they do not deserve a vote. If a voter is not willing to look into all the issues and balance them vs what is best for the country then they do not deserve a vote.

Maybe this is an elitist stance and totally wrong for America (it is), but this is how frustrated I am after having to go through the destruction of America by BushCo and Corporate Democrats.

It is the time for the self-righteous on the left to run this country for awhile. It is time to bring back the American dream. You want to continue with reality TV government then vote for McCain. We could make a show called Who will be the next to lose their job, home, or pension? or how about Who will be the next corporation bailed out? or the best of all Who will be the next country invaded? Now that would be great reality TV.

I am just trying to say that it is time for the voters to become educated about their choices and vote in the best interest of America and the world we plan to leave to our children and grandchildren.

So how was Barack supposed to answer the question of Why is it hard for him to get working class voters votes? He obviously could not say because they are racist. I think yet again his answer was dead on and Hillary is attacking because she has lost and is unwilling to see the truth. Kind of like the fact that she is no more experienced than Barack to be Commander in Chief so she just makes shit up.

Sunday, April 06, 2008


Over 4,000 dead
Over 20,000 wounded
Over 500 Billion tax payer dollars
Over $100 per barrel oil
No end in site
How do we stop this occupation for oil?
What can I do as a single American citizen?
Will voting be enough?

I am afraid that no matter who we vote for the "War in Iraq" will not end soon enough. The candidates have been painted into a corner and are worried they will be seen as weak on terror if they say we will not leave troops to fight the alleged Al-Qaeda in Iraq.

I have said this before, but I believe Iraq will spiral into a civil war after we leave unless we kill all the opposition to our puppet government. I believe Iraq needs to go through a civil war. I believe Iraqis must find out whether they want to be Iraqis first then Sunnis, Shiites, and Kurds, or do they want to be defined by their religious sects.

We have broken their country, but what is our obligation to a people that may not want to be a country? Is there an end to what we have to do to fix our mistake? Is there a number of American men and women that that must die to fulfill our debt?

We can talk about our responsibilities to the Iraqis, but I think that keeps us in the wrong frame. We need to get to the heart of this issue, and the heart of this is Oil and Arrogance.

The sad thing is that the Bush/Cheney arrogance has gotten them exactly what they wanted out of this war, high priced oil. The only thing they have not gotten yet is their friends hands on the Iraqi oil. The American people seem to be asleep to the fact that this is the entire goal. The Bush administration even went so far as to put it in the goals of the surge, but the press seems not to care.

I am at my wits end. What do we do? How do we stop this occupation and bring our troops home? Is Barack the answer to all these questions? I know McBush is not the answer. I'm very unsure of Hillary. I think she would have to keep us there longer than even she would want to just to prove she is a hard ass leader.

I give up for now. It is 1:14AM and I have to work tomorrow.

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