Friday, September 29, 2006

You can't handle the truth!!

I saw this on The Daily Show. Newsweek has 4 different printing for each magazine. All could have different covers. This past week the 3 international covers had this as the cover story.


and our cover was Annie Leibowitz life in pictures.

I think that speaks for itself.

Let the torture continue!!!!

Those subject to commission trials would be any person "who has engaged in hostilities or who has purposefully and materially supported hostilities against the United States or its co-belligerents." Proponents say this definition would not apply to U.S. citizens.--AP

I guess “materially supported” could mean anyone who has purchased a gallon of gasoline. America get ready for continued torture, extreme rendition, and lifelong detainments without probable cause.

The current legislative branch has again abdicated its role in checking the executive branch. Is there a light at the end of this dark tunnel or are the upcoming elections just another farce to try and keep Americans in the dark about the death of their country?

Monday, September 25, 2006

I knew I liked Keith when he was on Sportscenter!

This is a great speech.


Monday, September 11, 2006

The banner above is linked at the bottom. It is a passionate speech for peace and justice.

Our leaders today believe that these two can not be had. They believe we must fight wars for peace. They believe that we must fight wars for justice. They believe that we can stop terror and the users of terror through war. That mindset could not be farther from the truth. We can only stop terror by offering a better solution to the poverty stricken, oppressed people that are recruited to carry out terror attacks.

One might argue that that is what we are doing. Isn't that what Bush and the neocons have been pushing all along? I would argue that that is what their rhetoric says but that is not what the plans have brought about. The "stay the course plan" means more terrorist created and more sympathizers everyday. We must turn our attention back to Osama Bin Laden. We must turn our military attention back to Afghanistan and Pakistan. We must turn Iraq back over to the Iraqi people. We must set a timeline for withdrawal and the end of the occupation of Iraq.

If anyone believes that the terrorist networks are not going to claim victory in Iraq no matter how long we are there they are wrong. It seems to me the longer we are in Iraq the worse the civil war will get and the more our troops will be distracted from the small percentage of people that actually are terrorist in that country now. Let the Iraqi's deal with the terrorist. We need to tell the Sunnis, Shiites, and the Kurds that their first order of business before they can find peace among each other is to eliminate their common enemy.

We need to show them that anyone who kills civilians must be dealt with harshly. Whether that be a Shiite death squad, Sunni attack on a Shiite mosque, or actual terrorist. The Sunnis believe that right now the American occupiers are propping up the Shiite death squads and allowing them to commit murder. We need to leave and let the Iraqi military deal with Shiite death squads. Everyone needs to know that the military is not going to look at whether someone is Shiite or Sunni but what they have done. So the question for Iraq is how do we get these radicals out of the government? We need to let them know and get through to them that they are all Iraqis first and Shiites, Sunnis, and Kurds second.

Unfortunately, I do not think this will ever happen no matter how long we stay in this country, no matter how long we train their military, no matter how much money we dump into this situation.

To be continued...

Saturday, September 09, 2006

The Path to Propaganda

Well it appears the networks are starting their election year backing of the Republican Party. Its seems ABC (All Bush Channel) is going to air a docudrama*, is that a real word, about the events leading up to 9/11. It seems they hired a right winger to write the mockumentary and say it is based on the 9/11 commission report.

Many of the events in the propaganda piece are exactly opposite of what the 9/11 report states, but that does not matter to ABC? Nope. All the 9/11 commission members say the piece in inaccurate of the events leading up to 9/11 but does that phase ABC? Nope.

Isn’t it interesting how this White House loves to throw blame around about any failures on their watch but is quick to take credit for making the wealthy wealthier? I do not remember Clinton blaming the elder Bush for the first World Trade Center attack that happened a month into his presidency. I do remember all the men who carried out the attack are serving life sentences and many in solitary confinement.

If this O’Connor proclaimed president had been more interested in doing his job and less interested in month long vacations, clearing all the trees off the ranch, then maybe we would have never been attacked. Shouldn’t a president have his head around the job after being in office for 8 months? Hell, apparently he did not have his head around the job after being in office for 2 years. He still attacked a country in the name of 9/11 that had nothing to do with 9/11. I guess if I wanted to call myself a war president then I would need to keep starting preemptive wars. I guess it does not matter that I was unable to prosecute the war that was put in front of me.

So please call or email your local affiliates and ask them not to air this propaganda. Just click on the link below.

*Do we really need a drama about the events leading up to 9/11? We lived it. Wasn’t it dramatic enough. What, ABC could not find out from the people that were making the decisions what really happened? Do they really need to make Bushco look good and bash Clinton?

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Oil Prices Fall on Ample Supplies???

Some would shout conspiracy when they see that the price of gas falling this close to the election, but I would shout that Exxon, Shell, Chevron, BP, and Citgo are still price gauging the American worker and causing unnecessary inflation of goods across the board. Gas prices have to be the number one reason that Americans paychecks do not go as far as they used to.

I have watched gas prices here in Santa Fe fall from their highs of $3.19 to $2.98.
But if you look at Exxon’s profits before the war in Iraq began to the numbers they have posted since it screams of price gauging and war profiteering by Bush's friends. First quarter 2002 profits for Exxon were 2 billion and some change. Exxon’s first quarter 2003 profits, after the invasion, were 7 Billion, and up to 9 billion in the 3rd quarter 2005. It is amazing how their profits go up as the price of gas goes up. One would logically think that if they were not gauging us that their profits would be relatively stable as the price of gas goes up, if their rhetoric about increase cost were true.

As we all know since Bush and his oil company friends took office the price of gas has gone up with their profits. This has happened mainly because of Bush's choice to launch his illegal war and occupation of Iraq, to scare up domestic oil prices and the price of gas. In doing this Bush has now started a civil war in Iraq and has positioned our troops in the middle of this no win situation all for the sake of profit.

I am not naive enough to think that us leaving Iraq would lower gas prices, but our troops have no business in the middle of an Iraqi civil war. Our troops need to be redeployed until the Iraqi government is willing to crack down on Shiite death squads. We can not stop this country's civil war without the ability to attack Shiites, which the Shiite government is unwilling to grant. Is civil war in America's best interest? NO, but Bush's choices have created the power vacuum and the Shiite/Sunni hatred of each other must be somehow alleviated before they can coexist. The Iraqis must realize that country must come before religious beliefs, but I fear that this will never happen. As our own country makes more and more decisions based on religious choices rather than the countries well being, other countries (especially with radicals holding positions of power) are doing the same.

As Bush has stated already it will be up to a future President to bring our troops home. This is partially because he does not know how to and keep his friends profits at their record highs, and also because he does not have the ability to admit faulty or bad decisions were ever made on his watch

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