Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Disgusted in Santa FE

Disgusted by the recent acts by the Senate to cave again to White house pressure, I recently wrote to Pelosi, Hoyer, and my Rep. Udall and to my former Senator Rockefeller of WV. I encourage all of you to write to your representatives about the immunity being offered to the TELCO's by the Senate. Ask Pelosi, Hoyer and your representative to continue to not allow retroactive immunity to TELCO's for illegally spying on Americans. Here is the letter to Rockefeller.

Dear Senator Rockefeller,

I wanted to write you today to thank you for allowing illegal spying on Americans and not standing up for the rule of law. It is pay for play politicians like yourself that disenfranchise voters and allow for fringe groups to take over our democracy.

As a former Mountaineer, I am disgusted by your actions. So much for our state motto, "Mountaineers are always free". Maybe we can change it to "Mountaineers can be bought."

Thanks for nothing,

Sunday, February 10, 2008

A letter to Senator Edwards

This is the letter I recently sent to John Edwards. I would ask all Barack supporters to do the same as soon as possible and also send letters to your congressional representaives who are Super delegates.

Dear Senator Edwards,

Please throw your support behind Barack Obama.

I was a proud supporter of you and your dream for America, and I agreed with you when you dropped out of the race. But it is time for you to lead your supporters once more and endorse Barack Obama for President.

Senator Clinton will hurt the Democrats chance for real change. We as Democrats have a chance to gain a substantial majority in both houses and break the stranglehold the Republicans have on progress. You are still the key to all of this. You pushed Hillary and Barack further to the left than they were originally ready to go and now you have the chance to help your party once again. Please announce your support for Barack Obama before Tuesday.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Thanks for making me break my first New Years resolution Mr. Obama.

After John Edwards dropped out of the race, which I thought was the right thing to do, I had to find a new candidate. I kind of knew it would be Barack but since he was coming to Santa Fe I thought I would just go see him in person and make up my mind.

I stood in the cold for 3 hours to watch Barack speak for 45 minutes. He creates so much energy one could believe he could cure our addiction of foreign oil. He is so intelligent one could believe he would raise the level of education in America. He creates so much serenity that one could believe that he could end war. He creates so much enthusiasm among the young that one could believe that America is waking up. He attracts such a diverse following that one could believe that he could heal a fractured America racially, religiously, ideologically. He is right on so many issues that one could believe that he could make it a landslide in November for the Democrats, and that is the bottom line.

Would Hilary or Barack be vast improvement over what we have now? Yes, but Hilary can not claim to help the democrats get a real majority in Congress. She hurts the rest of the ticket in November like no other candidate in history could. She not only brings out the gender nut jobs(who are also the racial nut jobs) but she brings out the Clinton nut jobs and many of them have money.

So it is time to hope again America. It is time to believe in America again. It is time to believe that America can once again be a leader in the world and Barack can deliver that dream. Barack can heal our wounds at home and abroad and can get us back on track. We can no longer look at each other with indifference. With Barack at the helm, we must look at each other and wonder, how can I help my fellow Amercian?
It is no longer about the I's of the world but about the We's.

If you are in a state that has yet to vote and are not registered Democrat it is time to change your party affiliation. So you can vote for Barack now and in November.

Barack Obama '08!!!!

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