Saturday, July 30, 2005

Energy Crisis to Continue

President Bush and the Republican controlled congress have accomplished a daily double with their plan for America’s Energy needs that just passed. They were able to give huge subsidies and tax breaks to big oil while maintaining our dependence on foreign oil and continuing to fund terrorism. I can not figure out why President Bush and Tom Delay would want to give huge tax breaks to oil companies from Texas instead of real Americans, but that is what they did.
Any American citizen could tell you that the number one way to decrease our need for foreign oil is to implement fuel efficiency standards. What did our Republican Congress do? They made it illegal for the EPA to even study CAFE standards. Every increase of one mile per gallon in auto fuel efficiency yields more oil than is in two Arctic National Wildlife Refuges. An improvement right now of 2.7 miles per gallon would eliminate our need for all Persian Gulf oil!
What does the Bush Energy plan do for American Security? We will continue to send billions and billions of American dollars to Saudi Arabia, the country where all the 9/11 hijackers came from, while our troops are right around the corner to be attacked. This continued ignorance at the highest level leaves me shocked and appalled.
I have not even gotten into the destruction of our planet that this Energy mistake is going to cause. It is only going to increase pollution and continue global warming. As well as destroy the pristine Artic National Wildlife Refuge.
America is being run into the ground people and unless we wake up in 2006 and vote on real issues the fast track destruction is going to continue. I have only scratched the surface of these issues here. Please do your own research and you will see what I mean.

I will be in the basement for the upcoming week. See you when I get back.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Well, I am glad to hear that the President has heard my call. The War on Terror is over!!! The Republican message machine has realized that the American people will not tolerate a long, wasteful, ill-conceived, mismanaged WAR. However, they think we will put up with a tax wasting, liberty robbing, anti-peace, anti-freedom STRUGGLE AGAINST EXTREMISM. That is the new catch phrase of the day. We are no longer fighting a war on terror; we are fighting a struggle against extremism. We will continue to waste the same amount of money, and continue to be unable to stop EXTREMIST, but at least we are no longer fighting a war. I guess this means that this week we can expect Bill O’Rielly to castrate the administration for eliminating the word terror and terrorist, like he did the New York Times a week ago.

This is what happens when you continue to say that Iraq in the front on the War on Terror, and then London gets hit twice in 2 weeks and Egypt also gets hit. I guess the terrorist, errrr, the extremist did not get George’s memo.

The real question is how long it will take George to get it through his thick head that the name has changed. I bet Karl makes him wear a headset all the time that continually plays Struggle against Extremism, Struggle against Extremism,Struggle against Extremism.

Does this mean our troops are coming home? Does this mean that Iraq can now defend itself? If they can not defend themselves in a little struggle then they do not deserve to be a country with freedom. They deserve a dictator.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The next Supreme


Now that we know who the nominee is, what do we know about him and his ideas for the court? While on the D.C. court of appeals, Roberts had a dissent that went against environmental protection. In one case (Rancho Viejo, LLC v. Norton) he stated that the Endangered Species Act was unconstitutional. Others judges that heard this case (that were appointed by Reagan and the first Bush) all disagreed with Judge Roberts. Roberts also sought to have Roe overturned with a case that had nothing to do with the validity of Roe (Rust v. Sullivan). In Hedgepeth v. Wash. Metro., Roberts opinion was that it was fair to arrest a 12 year old girl for eating a French fry on the metro when an adult would have only been given a citation according to D.C. law. I will admit that these are only the 3 of his total of 9 on record for Roberts but they are the 3 that stuck out to me as red flags. Roberts is a safe pick for Karl Rove (we all know he runs the show) because his record is sparse at best and therefore there will be only a few things in print that he can be questioned about during confirmation hearings. It is the Senate’s job to make sure that Roberts is not just rubber stamped through this process and that they press for real information about his personal views. He could possibly sit on the most powerful court in this country and we should know more about his opinions on real issues. No matter what your issues are, ask your representatives to ask the hard questions and get the tough answers.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Whose smarter Americans or Republicans?

Why do Republicans think that they will continue their dominance election after election? It was stated tonight. They think the American people are dumb. They think all the American people care about is sexy scandals. If it is not sexy the American people will not be able to understand it and will not take the time to care about it.

Is the cover-up going on in Washington today as sexy as Clinton getting a blow job in the oval office? No. Is the cover-up going on in Washington (the one about Karl Rove outing a CIA operative in order to punish and discredit the operatives husband and allow the President to continue lying to the American people about WMD’s in Iraq) more important to America? YES. It is more important because the President of the United States has the blood of the American Military on his hands. It is more important because our military is bogged down in Iraq (the only member of Bush’s Axis of Evil who did not have WMDs) while other rogue nations continue to support terror. It is more important because we are dumping our hard earned money into a bottomless pit while Americans go without healthcare, quality education, and jobs.

President Bush said that if any member of his staff leaked information about an under cover CIA operative that they would be fired and prosecuted. I will tell you first here that this is just more tough talk from the President and that it is just another lie. If we go by the Presidents record Rove will probably be promoted.

The real question here is why Judy Miller is the only reporter who did not write a story about the CIA operative in jail while Robert Novak is out roaming the streets? Robert Novak is the reporter who published the operative’s name. Oh that’s right he is right wing reporter. This entire situation stinks, and I hope the American people can smell it. I hope for America’s sake that the Republicans are wrong and that Americans are smarter than they give them credit.

I guess we will have to wait and see how much transparency we get when this is all over, but if the past record of this administration is any indication it will all be deemed classified like the Presidents National Guard record.

Oh by the way, I think Americans are smarter than Republicans think just check out the link.( Also check out the photo op today. I saw a headline that stated Bush not willing to give Rove vote of confidence. I think Rove sitting right behind him during the press conference is the vote of confidence.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Why we need a timetable for withdrawal of troops

This was a letter sent to our local paper a week ago that I guess they have chosen not to run. I will share it with you here.

Our President last Tuesday night tried and failed to lay out our strategy for his war in Iraq. Mr. Bush fails to see why patriotic Americans disagree with his perspective. His gross mismanagement of this war has left our military men and women in harms way and America less safe.
Our President stated that setting a timetable for withdrawal would send a wrong message to Iraqis, our troops, and the insurgency. Is it the wrong message to say that we do not have long term interest in occupying Iraq? Is it the wrong message to tell our troops that we know how long it takes to train an Iraqi and we will have them trained by a certain date? Is it wrong to tell the Iraqi people that foreign fighters will stop flowing into their country to blow up Americans because we will be gone? Is it wrong to tell the Sunni insurgents that we want them to have a part in running their country?
What not setting a time table says to Iraqis is that we still do not have a plan. What it says to our troops is after 2 years of training Iraqis we still do not know what we are doing. What is says to foreign fighters is we will be there as targets for the long term. The Bush administration continues to grossly mismanage this war due to their stubbornness. Yes Mr. President we know where you stand and it is no longer with patriotic Americans.

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